Page 20 of Arranged Vacancy

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“I’m sorry, Jackie. For everything,” I rush out and her nostrils flare once. “As soon as I’m out of here, we’ll start our life together. Just like we planned. Nothing has to change.”

I reach for her in hopes she’ll accept my apology as an olive branch. Her lips part slightly, and she glances at my father, then back to me. “You didn’t answer me. How are you?”

“I had a heart attack,” I sigh, pulling my hand back when she doesn’t take it.

“Heart attack?” Her eyes narrow, but she looks otherwise relieved. The response makes me even more curious about how much Alex has told her. “What about the cardiologist appointments? Sleep studies? You said everything was fine.”

“I… I’m sorry.”

“For what, exactly?”

I take a deep breath, blowing out slowly. “For all of it. Mostly, for missing our wedding.”

“You never saw your doctor, did you?” There’s no anger in her voice; her calm tone is messing with me. I wouldprefer her to yell at me at this point.Fuck,does she knows I’ve been lying to her for months… years?

“No.” I cast my eyes down, and my father groans.

“Our parents and Alex talked about having to clean up your mess. An accident. Was anyone hurt?”

Relief settles in my gut. She doesn’t know everything, but there’s no use in lying. “My assistant was with me.”

“Will she talk?”

The question gives me pause; maybe she’s only upset that I missed the wedding and knows nothing about Cara? “No. The heart attack caused a car accident, and I was told my airbag killed her.”

Jaclyn gasps, her hand flying to her mouth and eyes wide. “Chris!”

“Yeah, I know.” I sit up straighter in bed as the blood drains from her face. “She was, um?—”

“No. The less I know, the better,” she huffs. I’m irked by her hardly showing a shred of emotion, even if she hates me for this. “If she’s not going to be a problem, then as soon as you’re healed and cleared by doctors, we’ll go on our honeymoon and pretend this never happened.”

“Chris can’t travel, and you can’t postpone the honeymoon,” my father interjects. “It’s actually the perfect cover to give Chris enough time to heal.”

“I’m not going on a honeymoon by myself,” she deadpans.

“We’ll have Alex step in for him.” Jaclyn’s breath catches as my father says his name.

“Absolutely not,” I growl. “He’s not takingmywife onmyhoneymoon.”

“She’s only your wife because of your brother,” he barks back. “He saved your reputation, your chance at the White House, and Jaclyn from what could’ve been one of the most embarrassing days of her life.”

“You’re right. It’ll look suspicious,” she agrees at the same time I shout, “You saw what happened in committee!”

“He’s helping the ranchers,” Jaclyn spits, before quickly adding, “However… he should have considered your concerns about beef prices.” I’ve never seen this side of her; the fire seeping from her poised exterior. This has to behisdoing.

So help me, if he takes her from me…

No. Over my dead body. She’s mine, my ticket to the Oval.

“Where’s my brother?” I seethe, and Jaclyn looks at the door. “Is he here?”

“Outside,” she meekly replies, her shoulders tensing.

“Perfect.” Dad claps his hands and stands, moving for the door. I keep my eyes on Jaclyn. She draws her lips into her mouth for a brief moment, her pupils dilated as my father opens the door. “Good, you’re still here.”

Chapter 13

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