Page 101 of Ruthless Mafia King

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“It’s all my fault,” Katarina says with a shuddering breath. “I shouldn’t have told my family about the pregnancy.”

I force myself to take a deep breath. When I’m in control again, I grab her hand, giving her my full attention. I thread my fingers through hers, and without breaking eye contact, say, “It was going to come out anyway. We knew there were threats to face before we could start our life together.”

“He’s right,” Roman says. “We’d have to deal with them either way.”

“Well, I don’t care anymore what happens to me,” Katarina says, surprising both of us. Her pregnancy’s still in the early stages, but her fierce maternal instincts have already awoken. “But my child has to be protected.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to protect both you and the baby,” I vow. “As long as my heart still beats, no harm will come to either one of you.”

“Fedot is gone,” she replies, a faint smile playing on her lips. “I think that took some pressure off your shoulders.”

“Let’s finish off the Gargarins then,” I agree. “Once they’re gone, we’ll be free.”

“Couldn’t we just point them to Igor?” Roman suggests and offers Katarina an apologetic smile. “No offense, but he’s the one who fucked up in the first place.”

“None taken,” Katarina assures him, and gives her head a small shake. “I’m half-tempted to hand him over too.”

“It wouldn’t change anything,” I tell them. “Yakov came after you because they didn’t deem punishing Igor fitting enough for the insult and dishonor he brought them.”

“What’s the plan, Nik?” Roman asks, his back straightening in anticipation of receiving orders.

“I want to meet with Sergey,” I say, my brows furrowing in thought. “Find a way for us to get together on neutral ground.”

“Pardon me,” Katarina says, disbelief coloring her words. “You’re actually going to meet with that lowlife?”

“I need to get a read on him before I decide what to do,” I tell her. “The best way to defeat an enemy is to know who you’re fighting against. Right now, Sergey’s a mystery to me.”

“But I don’t think that’s wise,” she urges. “What if he doesn’t agree with whatever you have planned?”

Roman gives her a pointed look but keeps silent.

“I’m not a fool,” I reply softly, and glance at Roman, who nods. “We won’t go empty-handed.”

If Sergey violates the rules of the meeting, he’ll be the first one to go down.



It’s not surprising that Sergey agreed to meet. A man of his stature won’t miss the opportunity to throw threats in my face. The only uncertainty is whether or not the exchange will devolve into a bloody confrontation, which is why the Italian pizzeria we’re meeting at is a decoy. It’s good to have a variety of friends.

My men and I were the first to arrive. Signore Luciano was kind enough to give us his men. Though Sergey is not stupid, I don’t think he’ll suspect the Italians to be on my side. He’ll simply assume that they’re there to protect the restaurant and its owner.

We’re escorted to our table in the center of the room. Even though we’re not here to eat, I open the menu. It’s my way of appearing nonchalant and distracted. It’s far from the truth, though. I’m alert and aware of everything around me. People are constantly moving around. Mostly workers, and occasionally, we’ll hear the excited chatter of a group of friends. Luciano’s men are quick to usher them out. They’re annoyed, but it’s for their own good.

When Sergey arrives, he looks completely unfazed, stopping only to talk to one of Luciano’s men. I tip my head to the side, so I can catch a better glimpse of him. Sergey’s not a tall man, but I believe he more than compensates for his lack of height with brute strength.

As they did to us, Luciano’s man pats Sergey and his thugs in search of guns. While with us it was all for show in case anyone was watching, the way they checked the Gargarins was real. When he comes to Yakov, a low discussion ensues until Sergey says something to his son, which shuts him up. Luciano’s man continues with his task, and when he’s done, he gives a subtle nod to his boss.

“Welcome to Luciano’s Pizza,” Luciano greets us. “We’re honored to have such well-known families in our restaurant. This is such a large group that you will likely need extra services today, yes?”

I nod at Roman, who reaches into his pocket and pulls out a fat envelope stuffed with bills. It’s a common practice to pay our hosts for putting their necks on the line. It’s also why Sergey could’ve been convinced that I have nothing to do with the Italians. Thank God for tradition and common practices.

Sergey does the same. He passes the envelope to one of his goons, telling him to walk it over to Luciano. And now we just have to keep hoping that everything goes according to plan. Well, they have to hope that they don’t piss me off too much, because whether they know it or not, I’m in control of everything surrounding this meeting.

“Nikolai Volkov,” Sergey greets with a knowing smile. His voice sounds familiar, but I can’t place where I’ve heard it before. I’ve never directly dealt with the Gargarins, except for the beating I’d given Yakov. Sergey’s green eyes flash with malice. A lesser man would shudder at the fierceness of his stare, but I don’t. This is no more than any other power game.

“Sergey Gargarin,” I answer back, a perfect mix of indifference and warning in my tone. “I presume you know why we’re here.”

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