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Now that made me look up. “Through family?”

Dad’s lips ticked up. “I knew that would get your attention.”

I blinked, as I processed that piece of information. “Let me guess, you are a member of this brotherhood but failed to tell me?”

He grinned, shaking his head as if I’d just made a good joke. “Let’s just say that you’ll be the odd one out.”

“Great,” I grumbled, then looked at the paper once more.

“They are our ticket to wealth, mon fils.” He got up, petting my shoulder as he headed for the liquor cupboard. I watched him pouring two glasses of whiskey. “Our clients.” He turned over his shoulder. “You always wondered where I found those high-end customers? Well, here they are. I got you in, and I very much want you to go, do as they say and become a brother of their brotherhood.”

“And attend college?” I frowned, accepting the glass he offered me. My heart started beating faster, and the pit of my stomach littered up with flutters.

Dad’s grin widened behind his glass and he took a large sip. I waited for him to swallow and wipe the corners of his mouth with his index fingers. “Didn’t you always complain about not getting your degree? Well, here you go.”

“Ugh, college.” I winced, and that made him laugh out loud. The sadist. “You know I didn’t mean it!” Shaking my head, I couldn’t stop my own laugh as it bubbled across my mouth, or perhaps it was the alcohol that already took effect. Anyway, I started feeling lightheaded, the knowledge of where my Romain was such a relief that I felt it tightening my chest and pants. That’s right, knowing where he was made my cock lengthen against my thigh. I’d missed him with my entire being, and knowing that I was about to surprise him by showing up, made me feel fucking elated.

There was a knock on the door, and then two of Manuel Perrrera’s men joined him inside. Dad grinned at both of them, pointing toward the bottles of liquor in the cabinet. “Come on boys, get yourself a drink. I’d like to make a toast. To my son, who will start a prestigious boarding college to get his finance degree!” His wink was enough proof not to take that degree too seriously. Thank fuck.

Barely a month later, I stepped foot in Monterrey Castle to start my so-called studies, which fortunately turned out to be one glamorous cover that allowed me to continue working for Dad and set up a network with our clients, members of the brotherhood.

And I was there to reclaim him. My pet.

Monterrey Castle sure was an interesting environment. Built along the traditional castle architecture that dated from the 17th century, the building had endless, narrow corridors, and large, high-ceilinged reception halls. A massive canteen with the table for the so-called elite stood in its heart, and beautiful gardens. Upstairs, there were dorms. Plenty of them. Like everything else in this place, luxury was ranked. The rich shared their dorm, the richer had a dorm for themselves, and the ultra rich owned entire wings.

My Initiations within the brotherhood turned out to be a night to remember, much like the gatherings they occasionally organised. At night, in all secrecy, we’d go walking around in black, velvet cloaks and Venetian masks and take the underground tunnel from the dungeons toward the Atrium, a glassed building that was constructed to be hidden in the woods. I quickly learned that the brothers of the Alpha Fraternarii were a deplorable lot who enjoyed depravity as much as myself, and it didn’t take long for my own newly-found reputation to circulate through the walls of Saint-Laurent. They called me a playboy and a bad-ass.

They were right.

Moreso, I wanted people to talk about me. I hadn’t officially bumped into Romain yet, but wanted him to know that I had made my appearance and that I was coming for him. College might have been small, yet it turned out to be surprisingly difficult to track down those who didn’t want to be found. However, when I finally did, that first Friday after classes had officially started and he was in the basement hanging up decorations for one of the many social activities that were organized, I was kind of taken aback with what I found.

Romain had changed. He had never been a small guy, but his scrawny limbs had grown into lean, smooth muscle. His pimpled skin was gone, replaced by a clearer, pale complexion that would be perfect for leaving marks. His dark, greasy hair was now clean, and short.

He looked mature, aloof to the world. He hung out with a group of losers, had apparently grown a passion for table football and movie nights—he had faultlessly transformed into an exemplary, preppy student.

I hated it.

I wanted him back the way I’d trained him—my sweet, obedient pet.


Not this sociable nob head.


Not this wannabe rich kid.


Oh, yes. I was going to get my hands on him and keep him down. Carve my dominance into his existence and bring him back where he belonged.

But the universe had other plans for me.

The church bells chime, announcing midnight, as we stand there, still facing each other. My heart thrums in my chest, muscles ready to ripple and stretch. Ready for the hunt.

“Monterrey’s walls hide secrets,” is the last thing Elder Jacques says, voice a bark to be heard over the heavy sounds of the bells.

I only have eyes for Romain. Unlike my black cloak and hood, he’s wearing his school uniform tonight, like the other three participants. His stance is proud, filled with delicious indignation, his glare dedicated to my eyes, as if he has determined to blank out the fact that I’m carrying a knife. A knife I will use.

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