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Someone clasps a firm arm around my shoulder and squeezes. “And? Still wondering if he has taken the bait and shown up tonight?” Alexandre asks with a crooked smile. He’s another brother, a tall, blonde haired, annoying dude with whom I’ve gotten pretty close over the past months. I don’t reply, instead keep my stare at the darkened trees around us, ignoring his chuckle of amusement. It’s nearly midnight.

A little further, on the open space, I hear the low drawl from Elder Jacques as he welcomes the four participants for tonight’s chase.

“Olivier saw this at the reception and wanted me to give it to you.” Alexandre’s dark eyes dance with devilish delight, and he lets out a muffled cackle when I snatch the golden mask up out of his hands. I nearly forgot to put that thing on, the moron I am. “I guess our bad boy is a little more nervous than he makes out to be?”

He might be right, but it’s not his place to mock me, friend or not. My hand curls around his throat in a whoosh, and I snarl when his eyes widen in shock. Sliding the mask over my head with my free hand, I jut toward the open space. “Be careful, if not the deal’s off.”

“Fuck you,” Alexandre squeaks. I laugh, then let go of his neck. He coughs and spits on the ground as he swears on a ragged breath. “I should have warned him not to come here tonight.”

“Oh, don’t worry, brother.” I fix his collar and finish with a pat on his shoulder, then give him my brightest of smiles. “I will treat your precious boytoy really well.”

A slow, calculated smile appears on his lips. Yeah, he wants that. Perhaps this is one of the reasons I like the dude this much. Alexandre is as depraved as I am.

Next to us, Bronze Mask and Copper Mask appear. I don’t know who they are. We shake hands and allow the air to fill with a salacious excitement.

“Is the old man ready with his pep talk?” I grumble. I want to go now.

Maël and Arsène appear through the bushes, the cousins chatting in hushed voices. They watch me slowly losing my shit, not caring enough to include me in their conversation when Alexandre greets his best friend with a smile. He asks Arsène where Robin, his chosen one and a grumpy motherfucker is.

“He’ll join in later. He’s not very…mobile, at the moment.” Arsène wiggles his brows, and both Maël and Alexandre chuckle at that, knowingly.

I snort. “Whatever, weirdo?—”

“Exactly. Anyway, it’s time,” Arsène cuts me off with a shrug. “That’s what we’ve come to tell you. All four masks, you walk toward Father Jacques in one line. Silver Mask, you go first, then Bronze Mask, Copper Mask, and then you, Golden Mask.”

“No talking. Check your prey out, scare them with your eyes.” Maël laughs at his own words, then lets out a squeak when his cousin gives him a push in his side.

“Allez-y.” Alexandre says.

As much as I’d like to deny it, I actually really like these guys. Never thought that the son of a drug lord could get on with preppy kids, but here we are. Then again, this college is not the definition of a respectable institute. On paper, yes, but behind the scenes it’s every bit as filthy and dubious as any criminal organisation.

Closing the line, I turn over my shoulder and look at the three other brothers who have previously all participated at the Wicked Chase. Tonight they only get to watch, since they have already claimed their chosen ones–our most unconventional way of match-making.

“Go and get him, bad boy,” one of them calls out. They all laugh.

Fuck them. I flip them off. Besides, the show is about to start, and our line of glittering masks is moving forward, soon making our way over a narrow, pitch-dark trail through the bushes. Aside from myself, these brothers are all new to tonight’s chase. Hungry to play with their random prey—since it’s my turn tonight to win and claim—and scare the living shit out of ignorant students who came out tonight, thinking they could really become part of the privileged. Pathetic losers. One by one my brothers will be given permission to replace their random targets by their chosen ones. And that’s, ladies and gentlemen, when the Wicked Chase becomes really interesting.

In the open space, four participants are waiting for us, side by side. They carry a similar black cloak, but where we, brothers of the Alpha Fraternarii, carry a glorious mask, theirs is plain. Soft, but black.

“By now you know that this chase will last for two hours,” Elder Jacques tells them. “But remember, participants, you’ve all been carefully selected. And tonight you have a choice. That’s why for each and every one of you, we have left a small gift. Perhaps you wish to choose your gift, rather than the brother chasing you? The choice is yours.” He watches us arrive and take position across our prey, then gives us a leery smile. That’s right. My brothers and I decided to change up the celebration after the Chase this time. “Right, brothers?” Not waiting for our nod of acknowledgment, he turns his gaze back to the participants. “The choice is yours. But remember: there’s only one, true way you can alter your future and be the person you wish to be.”

By joining the Alpha Fraternarii, I finish the sentence in my head.

My gaze slides forward, where I’m instantly met by a fierce glare that has my heart thundering in my chest. Fuck yessss…he’s here. Romain. He came. I can’t believe it.

And he recognized me in less than three seconds.

“J’aurai dû savoir,” he mouths on a snarl, the accusation hot and true. He’s right. He should have known. Should have known that I’d be the one hunting him tonight. After all, he had it coming from the moment we crossed paths here in Monterrey Castle all those months ago. There’s only so much patience I have. And while it was fun to play with my random prey during the previous games, the knowledge that it is him who came out tonight, him who accepted the invitation, makes me feel fucking exctatic.

After tonight, I’ll have him back where he belongs.

Blowing him a kiss, I nip at my lower lip, enjoying how he glowers as he watches the movement intently. He can’t ignore me, despite his fury. Ohh, if only there was light, it would shine over the lovely way his cheeks catch fire.

“We can give you the tools,” Elder Jacques continues, but I ignore his words, my every being solely focused on Romain. Like me, most of his face is obscured. But those kissable lips are very visible despite the way they are pursed into a tight line. He hasn’t closed the upper two buttons of his school shirt, and it’s almost pathetic the way I’m salivating at the sight of the tiniest sliver of pale skin.

I can’t wait to cut it open with the point of my knife…taste him again, like I did before. His resistance, his blood, his release.


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