Page 75 of Candy & Her Saints

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“As fascinating as I am, how about you tell me how this will work? I don’t imagine your Reject hating dad would be happy about me waltzing into Saint Hall for my heat.”

Thomas laughs. “Not quite. I’ll build a nest for you in my own house. The best nest that meets your preferences, likes, and needs that we’ve spoken about. I’ve always wanted to build a nest like that for an Omega. I have a private residence at the back of Saint Estate. There’s a secret entrance to it, which is guarded by men who are loyal to me. Dad and Richard don’t know about that entrance. They assume that once I’m in my residence, they don’t need to guard me further.”

“It’s a prison,” I breathe.

Thomas shrugs, going for nonchalant and not pulling it off. “Dad prefers to call it a home.”

He hasn’t denied it.

That does it.

I’m talking to Lincoln about this. Then we’re getting both OG and Thomas out of that cage.

“Your dad can go fuck himself,” I growl, surprising myself.

Thomas stills, blinking.

Then he laughs, deep and hearty. “This is going to be fun. The only thing that we haven’t discussed is whether you want a Beta present to help keep us hydrated and fed, when we’re deep in both heat and rut. They can be fully involved, if you want, to aid us. I have my own bodyguard now, Lincoln. I know how inseparable you once were. He’s been working well for me and settled in fast. I’m impressed. I hope that him working for me won’t wreck your friendship. I’d hate for him to lose his old pack because of me. When I saw his name in the academy, however, I wanted to save him. Those places are brutal.”

Thomas is kind.

I saw glimpses of this side to him, when we were younger. I’m seeing it even more now.

Thomas is clearly a dominant leader; his Betas are loyal to him. He’s also someone who went out of their way to rescue an old classmate, however, when he saw him in an Alaskan academy, no matter what pack he came from.

I’m acutely aware of our thighs touching.

I feel like I’m burning up.

“I want Lincoln there during the heat, if he agrees to be,” I say, knowing that this is Lincoln’s dream come true: his two fated mates together at last. I decide to be more daring. “I love Lincoln. I want him to be part of it. Is that okay?”

Thomas doesn’t look as surprised as I’m expecting. “Lincoln was like your bodyguard throughout school. Hell, the Destroyer of Alphas…? Did you know that he was legendary? The way that he kicked Richard in the balls is in my top three happiest memories of all time. Now, as a man, he’s earned my respect this week in a hundred small ways. I’m his boss, however, so gaining his consent the right way is important. I’ll ask but I’m certain that he’ll agree because it was obvious that he worshiped you.”

I blush. “I worship him too and I think that you’ll really like him. Please ask him.”

“As you wish, sweet venom. I’ve never met a Beta who feels more like…” He bites off what he’s going to say by kissing me.

I sink into the kiss but then, I begin to shake.

My hands are clammy.

A fever is ripping through my body.

Another wave of heat hits me. It’s stronger than before.

I whine, desperately scrabbling away from Thomas to the back of the booth.

Thomas’ brow furrows with concern. “Candy…?”

His scent is stronger than it was, sweet and addictive.

I’m drowning in it.

Please, please, don’t let this be happening now.

Not yet…

My heat shouldn’t be for several days.

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