Page 63 of Candy & Her Saints

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“I’m devastated that you feel that way, Dicky,” Thomas says, sounding deliberately bored.

Richard’s jaw clenches. “Don’t call me that.”

“Dick is more suitable.”

I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing.

Crack — Richard slaps Thomas across the cheek.

Lincoln startles and reaches for his gun.

“No,” Thomas bites out.

His cheek is vivid crimson.

My breathing is ragged. I grip the doorframe.

Even Vito has stilled, watching with a pained understanding. He knows what it feels like to be in Thomas’ position.

As the Head Alpha’s son, Vito should have been powerful within our pack, but dad invited him to meetings with important visitors and business associates only to humiliate him.

“Are you done?” Thomas asks, coldly.

“For now.” Richard runs his hand through his golden hair. “I’ll be telling your father about your incompetence and insolence though.”

“Still running to your daddy, Dicky?” Thomas mocks.

Wow, burn.

In the tense silence, Richard traces over the red handprint, with which he’s marked Thomas’ cheek. He radiates a smug ownership that makes my skin crawl. Then he draws his hand down further, simply to make the point that he can.

Richard glances at Lincoln for a long moment to make sure that he has his attention, then he drops his hand to Thomas’ tie, pointedly loosening it. He undoes the top button of Thomas’ shirt with painstaking slowness.

Fuck, no.

This is a powerplay, deliberately done in public.

Slowly, Richard unbuttoned Thomas’ shirt, a button at a time, stroking the milk pale skin that was revealed.

One button.



Richard is teaching both Lincoln and Thomas the same lesson: This is no longer high school.

Although Thomas may now have a bodyguard, however, he can’t protect himself from Richard.

Or perhaps, he can.

In one efficient, trained move, Lincoln steps forward and knocks Richard’s hand away, before standing protectively in front of Thomas. His eyes flash like a blade.

Richard yelps and holds his hand to his chest.

“Keep your hands to yourself and off my boss,” Lincoln says, calmly.

Thomas looks delighted, before schooling his expression.

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