Page 48 of Candy & Her Saints

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June, 23rd

OG can’t talk but can still lie with its tears. It attempts to manipulate my sympathy. Offered soap and chance to wash for the first time. OG was pathetically grateful and kneeled for the first time willingly.

June, 25th

OG makes false promises of good behavior, seeking mercy. Do not be tricked. It’s defective. It has earned four hours in sensory deprivation this afternoon. It is well deserved. Tomorrow, I intend…

I toss the phone away from me onto the cushions, unable to read anymore.

Tears trail down my cheeks.

“We’re saving him,” I say, horrified. “The log calls this male Omega defective. It could be me in that basement.”

Lincoln’s blazing gaze holds mine. “I’d fucking tear out the throats of every single one of the Saints, if that was you. Vito would too. I don’t care if going on a mission to rescue this abused Omega makes me a terrorist in the government’s eyes.” Then he appears to read my guilty expression; I never could hide anything from him. “You’re already a member of the resistance, aren’t you?” He gives a sardonic grin. “I knew it. This is why we’re fated.”

“Or perhaps, why we’re both awesome.” Joy winds through me. “Are you truly ready to rebel together? If we’re caught going on a mission like this, then I’d be sent to the Institute like my mom was, and you’d be…”

“Executed.” He arches his brow. “That’s why we’ll be smart about it. The Saints are the dumb ones because they’ve literally sent me over a contract that gives me permission to enter their heavily guarded estate. No one from outside is normally allowed in there. They’re secretive. Now, I can scout intel and be your inside man. You can work out a plan from the refuge of this bakery that gets us all out of this safely.”

Yet my insides are twisting. “Does that include Tom?”

I have to ask.

Lincoln’s expression darkens. “Monsters can be beautiful. But they’re still monsters.”

“Please, Link.” I desperately catch his gaze with mine. “You call him bad, devil, and monster. But Vito and I have been called the same things because we’re Snakes. Tom wasn’t in Haven in June, when that log was written. He’s been away for months, I don’t know where, probably on business for his dad. Until we know if he had anything to do with this treatment of the male Omega, keep an open mind on whether he’s our true enemy. You’re part of the Saint pack now. Perhaps, this is a rescue mission for only the male Omega G, or perhaps, we’re also risking our lives to save Tom.”


Dough Knot Bakery, Haven

This has been the best and worst weekend of my life.

The euphoria of my Beta’s return kept me in a haze all the way through Saturday and Sunday.

Because Lincoln is my Beta.

He has been from the moment that we slipped on our Promise rings, maybe since the first moment that we met.

When I was three years old, I toddled around the pack garden searching for fairies in the flowers. Vito promised me that he’d heard fairies made beds in petals.

Gia told him that he was a dumbass.

I didn’t know what the word meant but I knew that it was rude.

I was angry on Vito’s behalf. I wanted to find a fairy and carry it back in my pocket to force Gia to apologize.

She never said sorry.

When I turned a corner, I saw a boy who looked my age lying amongst the flowers.

His eyes were large and seemed to flicker a magical silver in the sunlight.

He was pretty and covered in broken flowers.

In concern, my gaze flickered to his bruised cheek.

I bit my lip. “You an elf?”

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