Page 178 of Candy & Her Saints

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I’m frozen, as Vito gently slides the medal over my head.

Shocked whispers start up around us.

I blush, suddenly unsure if I can do this.

I’ve never done public speaking, unlike Thomas or Falcon. I’m not an Alpha who’s allowed to stand in front of other Alphas.

My OHS has meant that I’ve struggled to be around this many people, needing to hide myself away.

I’ve been taught that an Omega should be neither seen nor heard.

Vito appears to understand, pulling me into a tight hug.

“Finally, this is your turn in the spotlight,” he whispers. “You deserve it. We’re free, Dy. The cage door is open. Fly out of it and take every Omega with you. Finally, fly.”

My eyes gleam with determination, as I pull back from him.

I’m trembling but I hold my head high, as I turn to face the crowd and the cameras.

I can do this.

I can fly out of the cage.

The journalists lean closer, waiting to hear what an Omega could possibly say.

“My name is Candy,” I raise my voice, and it carries over the Saint Estate, “the only Omega baker. I run it with my Alpha brother but I was forced to hide because the government decided that I deserved a steel Rej bracelet locked around my wrist. I don’t. Nobody does. And Omegas…? We can do anything that we want. We can be heard, win contests, and run businesses. We can do anything that we dream.”

The Omegas in the crowd burst into cheers.

A bunch of Omega teenagers at the front jump up and down with an unrestrained joy, recording me on their phones.

I can’t stop grinning, as Ghost snatches me around the waist and kisses me breathless.

“This is your moment,” Thomas murmurs, suffused with pride. “This is what we’re fighting for: An America in which every Omega is heard.”

Wild joy surges through the bond from my gorgeous pack, and I kiss Ghost harder because this is what flying feels like.


Saint Cage, Haven

One month later…

Excitement prickles my naked skin. I take a deep breath of the sugar cookie martini scent, which is being pumped into the room.


This is my first Omega Chamber.

Thomas offered to convert his own study into an Omega Chamber because it was on the top floor with the largest windows and views over the gardens. He paid for skylights to be installed, so that we can lie in the central nest made out of all our clothes woven together (and Ghost’s blankets), and always see the sky.

Ghost will never be in the dark again.

It’s Ghost’s first heat with us as a pack, and we’re determined to make it incredible for him.

Like me, Ghost’s never had either a true nest or an Omega Chamber before.

Lincoln painted the walls sky-blue with clouds, and Thomas spent a happy day with Ghost and me shopping for items to fill it. I got the feeling that Thomas normally hates shopping, but this was more like Pretty Omega, where he took pride in buying every cushion, blanket, and sex toy that Ghost and I took the slightest interest in.

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