Page 175 of Candy & Her Saints

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Raylan looks like he’s been punched in the dick. Perhaps, he’s never been openly disobeyed before and definitely never in public like this.

The crowd are watching his humiliation with fascination.

Lincoln prowls up the steps to stand next to Thomas, attempting to make the move look casual. I notice the subtle way that he always loosens his stance, however, just before he fights.

“Funny,” Thomas smiles at the Beta enforcers reassuringly, before his cold gaze returns to his dad’s, “but when you mistreat people, using them as tools, then they don’t tend to have much loyalty to you. Do you even remember their names?” Thomas points at the closest Beta. “What about him? Hmm? No? Or her? See, I know every single pack member by name. I remember their birthdays, organize for them to have time off if their family are sick, and buy them a gift every Christmas. Have you done that for any Beta, ever? They’re not my servants. I fucking care that my pack are happy. That’s why they’re backing me and not you. How does it feel that you’re going to lose this pack because I’m more warm hearted than you?”

“Yes,” I hiss.

Raylan stares at his son like he’s never seen him before.

Then he snorts and shakes his head.

“You little idiot. You’ve just challenged me in front of the entire town and everyone else who’s watching.” He waves at the cameras. “I didn’t know that you enjoyed the Alpha Center so much the first two times.” Thomas can’t hold back the flinch. “You’ve given me the grounds to send you back for a third visit. And this time, I don’t know when I’ll be letting you home. I want you broken.”

My heart speeds up. My lungs ache.

This is it.

The moment.

Hell, what if this doesn’t work?

Thomas bares his canines. “Except, you don’t have the grounds because I’m suing for emancipation. No court is going to give you control over this pack, when you’re as much a criminal as he is.”

He jerks his thumb at my dad, who’s lying on the ground.

“Good luck proving that with no evidence,” Raylan growls.

When Thomas gives a slow smile, I know that we’ve finally got Raylan.

Thomas turns his back on Raylan dismissively and walks to the front of the steps. When he faces the ring of townsfolk, he’s never looked so leader-like.

Fuck, I’d vote for him as the next President.

“This isn’t about me.” Thomas looks over the crowds who appear as mesmerized by him, as I am. Somehow, beaten and bloodied, he looks even more beautiful. “It never has been. I’d go back to the Alpha Center, if it meant saving this town. I was born into privilege but I’ve never had freedom. I haven’t been able to save the people who I love, my family and friends. It’s killed me to be powerless. I refuse to be that anymore. So, I’ve been working undercover to expose the abuses of the Mayor’s office, political system, and big corporations against people like you. I’m no hero but I’m what you’ve got. Someone has to be prepared to step up. But will you stand now with me?”

Thomas is talking to the people who are watching on their televisions, over their computers, and phones.

He’s trying to shake their blind obedience to authority.

Will it work?

Can we truly change the world?

A sudden wave of shouts and rallying support spreads across the festival.

My eyes widen.

The people look like they’d go to war for Thomas.

“Settle down.” Raylan looks scared. “Stop this nonsense. My son is a liar—”

“Let them judge for themselves.” Thomas beckons to Ghost, Vito, and me. Grinning at each other, we bound up the steps to join him. “There’s no need to fear the mayor’s retribution any longer. I control his enforcers. So, raise your hands if the Mayor’s office has harassed, intimidated, or tried to shut down your business?”

At least fifty hands in the audience go up.

April LaVere looks giddy with excitement, as she elbows her cameraman to pan the camera over the sea of determined looking small business owners with their hands raised.

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