Page 146 of Candy & Her Saints

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Thomas’ gaze is intent, as it meets Ghost’s.

Then slowly, he lowers himself to his knees.

Is this truly happening?

Is an Alpha kneeling for an Omega?

Ghost’s eyes widen, before his pupils dilate.

He types. “If you want to suck my dick, the answer is yes. In fact, you have blanket permission to suck my dick, Alpha.”

Ghost quirks his brow challengingly, but at the same time, I’m pretty certain that he’s trying not to laugh.

In shock, I drop Ghost’s hand.

“Good idea.” Lincoln waggles his eyebrows. “You also have blanket permission to suck mine.”

“How generous, love. I’ll be sure to remember that.” Thomas shoots Lincoln a glare. He steadies himself, before his expression gentles again. When he looks up at Ghost, it’s like Ghost is precious — an elite Omega, rather than a Rej 1. There’s no doubt that he’s looking at a man who he admires as much as he worships. Ghost’s breath catches in surprise. “I’m sorry. I didn’t protect Candy and you yesterday like I was desperate to. I hope you know that I was acting. It’s taken longer to put our plan into place than I hoped, and it’s killed me to keep my distance from you. I’m sorry that I’ve needed to treat you like every other Alphahole in your life has. I’ll do anything that you ask to make it up to you. I’ll spend my life to make it right. Can you forgive me?”

Ghost’s expression becomes serious.

He grips Thomas by the shoulders, lifting him to his feet.

Thomas looks like he’ll fly apart at any moment.

Ghost’s white truffle scent becomes stronger. He’s putting out his pheromones to soothe our Alpha.

Then Ghost types, “Dumbass Alpha. Good Alpha. My Alpha. There’s nothing to forgive. You’re so earnest that it hurts my heart. But this is how we play the game, and I’ve been playing since I was a kid. I’m not some weak Omega who needs protecting. I’m the Ghost of Ace Casinos. And now, I’m going to kiss you.”

Thomas looks dazed, as Ghost threads his fingers into the back of his hair and drags him into a hard, passionate kiss.

“I have the best Omegas in the fucking world,” Lincoln breathes.

I can’t wrench my gaze away from the way that Ghost is kissing the life out of my Alpha, or the way that Thomas runs his hands up and down the other man’s slim back, pulling him impossibly closer like he wants to devour him.

Finally, Ghost breaks the kiss.

Both men are breathing hard. They rest their foreheads together.

“You are still heard,” Ghost types.

“You are still heard,” Thomas repeats back like a mantra. Then he turns his head to fix me with a stare. “Now, it’s time to tell Lincoln and you the truth.”


Saint Cage, Haven

“The full truth.” Thomas pulls back from Ghost reluctantly but keeps his hands resting securely on his lower back in a familiar gesture of possessiveness.

Seeing the two men like this together, it’s clear that they’ve known each other for as many years as I’ve known Lincoln.

Plus, loved each other for as long.

Suddenly, it feels even warmer in the sunshine of the kitchen.

I take a steadying breath of the vanilla, cinnamon, and baked bread aroma.

Lincoln lays his elbows on his knees, resting his head on his hands, as he studies all of us standing together.

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