Page 116 of Candy & Her Saints

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I punch in the code to the door.

When it swings open with a creak, I wrinkle my nose at the blast of musty air that rushes out.

I steady myself, before carefully starting down the stairs into the darkness.

I’m wearing black leather pants and a warm, open necked black sweater. It’s much colder down in the basement than upstairs with the summer sun washing through the mansion’s high windows.

This time, I’m prepared.

When I reach the final step and look out at the bleak basement, I can’t hold back the smile.

Ghost is in the same far corner, but this morning, he’s made the best nest that he can out of the tatty gray blanket and is sitting in the middle of it.

It makes my inner Omega purr to see my blue blanket wrapped around Ghost’s shoulders.

Sugar is nestled in Ghost’s lap with her fluffy tail curled around herself. She’s purring, as he pets her head.

He's casually flicking the ace of spades card between the fingers of his other hand.

It’s mesmerizing.

It would be the perfect domestic scene that I’ve dreamed about coming home to — a talented and sweet Omega snuggled in a blanket with a cat on his knee — if he hadn’t been sitting on the hard floor of a basement.

My expression crumples.

But then, Ghost looks up from petting Sugar and breaks into such a joyful grin at seeing me that he chases away my sadness.

It’s like seeing me has brought the sun into his long winter night.

Suddenly, I know that somehow things are going to be all right.

I never knew that anyone apart from Vito could make me feel like that.

I raise the tray like I’d often do in the bakery. “Coffee break!”

Ghost’s grin impossibly brightens.

My little coffee-a-holic.

Eagerly, Ghost drops the card back onto the pack, before making impatient grabby hands at me.

I laugh, strolling toward Ghost, close enough to stroke across his dove soft hair.

Sugar looks up at me, as if assessing whether I’m a threat, then settles down to sleep.

I’m winning on the kitty test. And I still have a trick up my sleeve.

Then a thought strikes me.

“You’re not kneeling,” I blurt. “You didn’t yesterday either.”

Wasn’t he conditioned that he only received food if he kneeled?

Ghost ducks his head.

I bite the side of my cheek hard.

Fuck, I wish that I hadn’t said anything.

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