Page 106 of Candy & Her Saints

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I bet Sugar has helped Ghost more than I’ll ever know. Perhaps, these two rejects have helped each other.

Ghost gestures at Sugar. I reach out to stroke her too.

Sugar graciously accepts the stroke like a queen accepting tribute.

Ghost arranges his thin blanket on the floor into a mini nest for Sugar, and she leaps onto the center of it. She circles around a couple of times, kneading it to get comfortable. Then she settles down to sleep again.

“She’s beautiful,” I say. “Seems like a good friend.”

Ghost nods.

Then he gazes deeply into my face, and I get the sudden feeling that he can see into my soul.

“Can I touch you?” I whisper.

Ghost’s been nuzzling and licking me already, but after everything that he’s been through, I want to be careful.

His eyes widen like he doesn’t appear to understand he has a right to say no to a question like that.

My chest tightens, when I remember what was written in the log.

“You can tell me no,” I clarify.

In response, Ghost lowers his head, glancing at me quickly through his lashes, before lightly grabbing my hand and raising it to his curls.

He shivers, as I run my fingers through his hair, which is as soft as it looks.

How long has it been, since he’s been touched without it hurting? Has Thomas stroked and kissed him?

Has Thomas been able to comfort Ghost?

Lincoln coughs. “Sorry to break up this touching Omega on Omega moment, but wow, this is major. Are you two actually soul mates? I’m fate bonded with you, so what does that mean about us?”

To my shock, Ghost’s entire manner changes.

His eyes become stormy. He growls, deep and rumbling.

The hairs rise on the back of my neck.

Ghost bares his teeth. He looks feral.

He pushes me behind him, twisting into a crouch in front of me like he’s ready to fight Lincoln, who looks like a literal giant next to him.

Ready to fight a trained bodyguard with a gun.

I freeze.

“Badass Omega.” Lincoln appears thrilled to be growled at, when in most packs an Omega would be beaten for daring to growl at a Beta. “You’re possessive and protective. There’s no question that you’re our Omega.”

Ghost blinks at him, bewildered.

He doesn’t stop growling.

This Omega is more powerful and volatile than I’d realized.

I can see Ghost’s compact muscles and the fluid way that he moves like he’s at least grown up around good fighters.

“I’m not trying to take her away from you, gambler, and neither of you are in trouble. It’s hot,” Lincoln continues, amused. “Actually, I’m trying to convince you that you’ll want a slice of this ass too.”

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