Page 102 of Candy & Her Saints

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The basement door opens with a deep creak. Lincoln pushes it open further with his shoulder.

I stare in shock at the dank stone steps.

Lincoln stalks down the basement steps, before glancing over his shoulder at me; in the darkness, his eyes gleam silver. “Just remember that Ghost is feral.”

My pulse speeds up. “Is he dangerous?”

“Not to another Omega.” Lincoln gives a wicked grin. “But aren’t we all dangerous? He’ll fit right in.”


I follow Lincoln down the stairs, clutching the blanket in one hand and sliding my other along the damp wall to steady myself.

I grimace.

As we descend, it gradually grows lighter.

Lincoln stops on the wide lower step, waiting for me to join him.

Then I suck in a shocked breath.

The basement is low ceilinged with unfinished walls and a dirt floor. There are no windows, and my nose scrunches in disgust at the stench of mold and mildew.

I’m relieved that my OHS has settled or I know that despite inhibitors, I’d be vomiting right now.

The lighting is harsh from a single bare bulb that hangs in the center of the room.

There’s no furniture. Nothing. The room is bare.

It’s another world from the millionaire, luxury mansion that I’ve just strolled through with silk sheets, soft beds, and antiques.

The only items are a small pile of belongings in the far corner: some pieces of technology and a well-thumbed pack of cards.

Fury washes over me.

The mayor is doing this: the man who’s also trying to destroy Vito and me.

In the far corner, wedged as close to the wall as he can but facing the stairs like he’s trying to protect himself, a man lies sleeping.

He’s wrapped in a thin, gray blanket.

He’s only dressed in a tatty blue t-shirt that’s too large for him with an ace of spades stitched on the chest and sleeves, as well as jeans.

A steel Rej bracelet is clasped around his wrist.

My world tilts.

I can hardly breathe.

Ghost is everything that I’ve dreamed about in a male Omega.

He’s more beautiful than I’ve imagined a man could be.

How could someone hurt him?

He looks like a winter landscape come to life.

Ghost appears to be about my age, maybe a year younger.

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