Page 100 of Candy & Her Saints

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Omegas love gifts, and since we’re in the same pack now, this is my way of showing that I’m not going to treat Ghost badly or push him around. It’s the softest blanket from Thomas’ bed with beautiful green threading on the sides.

If Ghost’s been kept alone, then he’ll be touch starved. The sensory feel of it will help him.

I hope that he’s allowed to keep it.

Thomas said that I could take it for him because it’s only bedding. Plus, he’ll love it, since it’ll match his eyes.

I study a small plastic section at the base of the iron door. “Is that a cat door?”

Lincoln chuckles. “It’s the most important part. Tom rescued a cat from the shelter he volunteers at chiefly because he knew how much she’d mean to Ghost. The cat’s adopted Ghost like she’s his self-appointed protector. A kitty warrior. She barely leaves his side, apart from to jump on Tom’s head to demand food at 3 a.m. or to chase the peacocks. Tom pretends to be cool toward her, especially when she gets hairs over his posh suits. But when he thinks no one is looking, he picks her up and cuddles her. He slips her treats, especially cheese. He’s totally kitty whipped.”

“What’s she called? I always wanted a pack cat.”

“Sugar.” Lincoln shifts the tray of food that he’s carrying between his hands. “Huh, that’s close to Candy, right? He named her after you. But then, you purr and demand strokes too.”

I narrow my eyes. “I can also scratch and bite.”

Lincoln’s eyes become half-hooded. “Promise?”

I nudge him with my shoulder. “You know it. This male Omega has a big appetite then…?”

I lick over my lips, smelling the delicious scents from the tray, which is crammed with food: bowls of chopped strawberries and raspberries, a white chocolate muffin, buttered rolls and cheese, and a mug of steaming black coffee.

To my surprise, Lincoln’s expression falls.

“The opposite. In fact, I’m trying to tempt him. If I offer him a bit of everything, then he may actually eat. He’s fading into a true ghost.”

A cold ball forms in my stomach. “Why?”

Lincoln’s expression hardens. “You read some of the log. Well, I read the rest of it. I planned to hunt down the asshole who wrote it and put a bullet between his eyes, but Tom told me that he’d mysteriously disappeared after he’d fired him. You should have seen the cold blooded look in Tom’s eyes when he said it. Tom has fucking steel running through him. But if you knew everything that’d been done to that Omega…”

When Lincoln turns his head away for a moment, I lay my hand on his arm.

Lincoln spends his life defending those who need it.

His younger brother, who was his whole world, was sold to the Romeo Ballet Academy. He watched my Omega mom being sold to the Institute.

He was helpless to save them.

He’s made himself strong enough to make sure that he’ll never be helpless to save an Omega or Beta again.

“Do you know that you can break someone in seventy-two hours? I know because I was shown the tricks in Alaska,” Lincoln snarls. “Ghost was with his tormentor for months. He’s the fucking strongest person I know to have survived. But he still was taught learned helplessness. He wasn’t allowed to do anything without permission. That mindfucked him.”

My throat is dry. “What’s this got to do with him not eating? Just give him permission if that’s what he needs.”

“It’s not that simple. The bodyguard would play cruel games like putting down the tray for Ghost and giving him permission to eat. Then punishing him, when in his hunger, he reached for the food. Like I said, this is how you break someone. Now, he’s too scared to eat.”

I feel sick.

Frowning, I bite my lip. “I’ll think of something. Can we get therapy for him?”

Lincoln huffs. “Don’t you understand what’s going on here? This set up has to look real, in case the mayor or Richard comes and inspects the basement.”

Frustrated, I step closer. “That’s it, Link. Tell me right now what’s really happening in this house, or I’m phoning Vito. I’m busting Ghost out of here. He deserves to be loved and treasured.”

My eyes sting with tears.

This happened to Ghost because he’s a Rej like I am.

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