Page 64 of Ice Queen

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Page 64 of Ice Queen

She watched me walk away, not knowing what to say. She got up and followed me to the sink, hopping up on the counter next to me while I washed the bowl that had the salt in it. When I was done, I stepped between her legs. She wrapped her legs around my waist, her hands on the back of my neck in my hair. She didn’t say anything, she just looked at me for a moment. She smiled softly, then wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. I pulled her closer to me, relieved to have a moment like this with her.

I tried to step back from her, so I could go get the arnica cream for her hands. She just clung to me tighter. “Nope. Hate that too,” she said, giggling.

I couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re coming with me then,” I said, picking her up off the counter. I walked to the bathroom in our room, setting her on the counter in between the sinks. She let go, so I could get the cream once we were in the bathroom. She had a wide smile on her face. I think she enjoyed trying to be bratty just to see if it would get a reaction. She would occasionally do it with the guys too. It never worked. I don’t think she’d caught on that I loved it. Honestly, I loved everything about her.

I stood in between her legs, holding out my hand for one of hers. She placed her bruised hand in mine. I started rubbing the cream into her knuckles, trying not to hurt her. She had been quiet since Max had come to the lobby. She seemed okay with it, but it had to be bothering her. Anytime you have to part ways with a friend you’ve had for years is difficult. Even more so when it’s in a dramatic fashion.

She watched me put the cream on one hand, then the other. I would steal glances at her periodically. Her eyes were always on me. It made me think of the first night I was in her apartment, when we were in much the same position, just with me putting cream on her neck instead of her hands. I’d like to see Anthony try to put his hands on her now. I couldn’t help but laugh at the thought. She looked at me, curious.

“I was thinking back to the first night I was in your apartment, when I set you on your kitchen counter so I could put cream on your neck. I had a thought that I’d like to see Anthony try to put his hands on you now,” I said, grinning at her.

She smiled, but she also looked troubled before she closed her eyes to mask it. She laughed, looking at me again with no trace of anything but happiness. “I might actually break my hands in his case.” She looked up at me, smiling. My phone rang in my pocket. I leaned down and kissed her gently as I pulled the phone from my pocket. It was Trino. I put him on speaker, so Sephie could hear as well.

“Trino, what’s up, my friend?” I said.

“Jefe, I’m sorry to bother you, but I want to check on something and make sure everything is good. I don’t know who we can trust and who we can’t trust at the moment,” he said. Sephie looked at me, slightly worried.

“No bother, Trino. What happened?”

“One of my top dealers said there’s a guy asking a lot of questions about brawn. He thought he was a cop at first, but then he said he confronted him about asking so many questions and he dropped your sweet angel’s name and told the dealer to check with me,” Trino said.

Sephie said, “That’s Chen, Trino. He’s asking around for me. He used to be my neighbor. I told him that any of your dealers would help him, but told him to drop my name if they gave him shit. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Miha, it’s good to hear your voice. I don’t mind at all,” he said. Sephie smiled at me. Trino added, “You’re a smart girl, Miha. That was a good move telling him to use your name. I would definitely check that. I don’t want to ever be on your bad side.” He laughed.

Sephie laughed as well. “Chen knows that your dealers are not with this plan. He’s trying to find out more info for me. Did he tell your guy what he knows?”

“No, not yet. He found out more info?” Trino asked, clearly curious.

“Yeah, I was going to call you tonight, Trino. None of the dealers he’s talked to except one guy that works for Sal knows anything. Sal’s guy said they’re getting a heads-up before they switch the shipment. The dealers in his area of the city are supposed to lay low that weekend and not sell. Sal is trying to keep his area quiet that weekend to gain favor back from his people,” I said.

We could hear Trino cursing in Spanish. “No shit? Did he know when it’s happening?”

“No shit. He didn’t know, but that guy thinks Chen is in on the plan already, so we’re hoping he gives Chen a heads-up. Chen is trying to find the right person in your network to pass the info to,” I said.

“And you found this guy through Sephie?” Trino asked.

“Yeah, I used to live in the same building as him. I saved him from marrying a whore, basically, so he owes me,” she said. Her eyes went wide and she shook her head like she couldn’t believe she just said that out loud.

“Miha, I know Jefe is right there, but I love you. Come to Colombia, mi amor,” he said, still laughing.

“I’ll come to Colombia, but only to find you the perfect woman who already loves Colombian men. I seem to have a thing for Russians,” she said, grinning at me.

“Deal,” he said.

“I’m guessing the dealer that Chen talked to is a good contact if he does get a heads-up?” I asked, trying to steer the conversation away from talk about Trino and Sephie together. While I knew I had nothing to worry about, it still didn’t mean I wanted to think about that happening.

“Yeah, he’s one of my top guys. I talk to him regularly. He can get the word out to all my guys quickly too. Any progress on the warehouse or are you going to take my advice and go with the car bomb?” he asked.

I chuckled. “We’re still working on it, but I do like your idea, not gonna lie. I’m beginning to enjoy your dramatic flair, Trino.” I smiled at Sephie. “Speaking of, have you picked out the cliff for Massimo yet?”

“Oh, I have the perfect one, Jefe. I was considering a different one, but you’re right. It needs to be the tallest one I can find. I have the perfect spot. He’s going to be falling for a solid five minutes before he hits the ground. On fire the entire time,” he said. We could hear the slight edge of anger to his voice as he talked about Massimo.

“Can you video that? That guy has always been a dick to me,” Sephie said.

Trino laughed. “Jefe asked the same thing. Okay, okay. You’re perfect for each other. I won’t try and steal you, Miha. But please come to Colombia and help me find a woman as perfect as you.”

“Deal,” she said.