Page 43 of Ice Queen

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I came here because I wanted to prove, once and for all, that I’m worthy of inheriting the empire I helped to build. Logan has never managed a project this big. He’s never brought as much money as I have, and managing this diamond mining project will be enough to show my father that I’m the one who should follow in his footsteps.

And the Queen? She’s nothing. She’s a pawn I used to get information. She’s a woman with a warm touch who made me feel less alone for a night or two. It doesn’t mean I have to chase her around the kingdom. I should be focusing on what’s important—business. Proving myself. Making sure this project goes off without a hitch.

I should stick to what I’m good at.

Penelope’s role in all this is only to sign the papers that will allow me to do my job. I should remember that whenever the urge strikes to travel across the country and attend stupid galas I have no time for. I should definitely remember it when I feel like I need to tell her my secret plans to merge with other companies. She could ruin the whole thing; then where would I be? I’d fail my father, fail my company, and I’d lose everything I’ve worked to achieve.

Pulling a key card out of my pocket, I barely notice the two men in dark suits stationed at either end of the hallway. I enter my suite with nothing but a glance toward them, letting the heavy door close behind me. Movement catches my eyes to my left, and a gasp stays stuck halfway up my throat.

Penelope stands, her tight burgundy gown hugging every curve. Heat sparks deep in my stomach as my eyes drink her in. The delicate lace edge of her dress dips down her back, and her thick mass of blond hair is gathered in a neat twist. The sight of her skin makes embers burn in my veins, and all I want to do is run to her.

And I thought she meant nothing? Am I delusional? The mere sight of her makes me want to fall to my knees.

She dips her head, smiling. “I hope you don’t mind the intrusion.”

“You’re here,” I breathe. I’m still rooted in place by the front door. The Stirling skyline twinkles behind her, and in the warm, low light of the suite, Penelope looks like a goddess. She’s too good for this place, even though it’s the height of luxury. She’s too good for anyplace that isn’t as beautiful as her. Too good for me.

She tilts her head. “Yes, I’m here. Is that a problem?”

“I bought a ticket to that stupid gala because I heard you’d be there.” My words come out in a rush, and I blush. Me, Asher Gerhard—I actually blush. She tilts my whole world off-balance. I’m no longer the cold, ruthless businessman. I’m acquiring nothing here. The word ‘merger’ is meaningless when she’s standing in front of me.

Penelope laughs, the sound sending heat rushing straight to my heart. It thumps in response, and I find myself walking toward her. My body has a will of its own, and no matter what I told myself all evening, I know I’m powerless to her pull.

Sweeping my arm around her waist, I crush my lips to hers. Soft and sweet, she melts into my embrace and wraps her arms around me. My fingers find the edge of her lace bodice, feeling the skin of her back against my fingertips. It’s intoxicating, having her this close. It makes me forget who I am.

Pulling away, Penelope puts a hand to her cheek. She’s flushed. “I wanted to thank you.”

“For what?”

“For the interview you gave with Jacinthe Crawley, and the other press appearances you’ve made over the past few weeks. You’ve done a lot to silence the criticism I’ve been getting.”

“I only told the truth.”

“But you didn’t have to tell it, so I’m thanking you.” She smiles softly, staring at my eyes. I wonder what she sees when she looks at me. Does she see what the rest of the world sees? A man who’s shut himself off from everything except the thrill of the hunt? A man who hasn’t felt the touch of a woman—not like this—since…well, ever?

Or does she see something else? Maybe she sees the Asher Gerhard who lived in the room across the rooftop from her. She sees…me.

“Do you still enjoy fishing?” Pen’s lips tug at the corner.

I frown. “Fishing?”

“I recall many afternoons when we’d sneak out of the dorms and go fishing in the river by the school. I thought maybe you still enjoyed it now, as an adult.”

A chuckle slips through my lips. “That was just an excuse to skip class and spend time with you.”

“Well, maybe you can skip work and spend time with me again.” Her eyes twinkle, and her hands play with the collar of my shirt. She slides her fingers down, circling the top button. Her gaze climbs to mine, snagging for a moment on my lips before reaching my eyes. “I arranged for a week at the Summer Palace. It’s just a short drive from the Arctic Ocean, where the fishing is world-class. We could make a trip of it.”

A lump grows in my throat, and my grip on Penelope’s waist tightens. “You want to spend the week with me?”

“Is that so surprising?” She laughs.

My heart hammers as I struggle to swallow. I nod. “When do we leave?”

“Whenever you can get away from your work.”

“That’s the good thing about being in charge.” I grin. “We can go tomorrow. Tonight. Right now.”

Her smile is blinding. It sends a jolt straight through my chest, and I wonder how I could have possibly thought she meant nothing to me.

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