Page 8 of Maddox

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Chapter 4 - Lacie

“Well that was… interesting,” I said, glancing back through the door as soon as we got outside. Veronica made a noise and patted her cheeks.

“It was warm in there.”

“Yeah,” Morgan replied. “Pretty hot.”

She looked more than a little flushed. I grinned, catching Morgan’s eye. “Garrett seemed to be giving you the eye.”

“Stop it.”

“He was!” Veronica laughed. “I saw it too. And how about Maddox?” She looked right at me. It was my turn to blush. Had I been that obvious?

Morgan rolled my eyes. “Oh don’t pretend you were taking pictures of anyone except Carter, Veronica,” she said and she started to giggle.

“Well it’s not my fault we were in a small room with three very—uh, big— rockstars,” I said. I’d seen the bulge in Maddox’s pants when he’d stood up. It had made my panties soak through more than I cared to admit.

“Come on, Vee,” I said. “We need to plan the styling for tomorrow afternoon’s photo shoot. Didn’t we pass a bar on the way in? We could brainstorm over a drink.”

Morgan nodded to us. “See you in the morning.”

I guess that meant she wasn’t coming.

“Later, Morgan,” Veronica called out over her shoulder. “Go rub one out or something. It’ll help.”

“Oh shut up,” Morgan said, the blush creeping over her cheeks again as the three of us started laughing. At least I wasn’t the only one who was a bit star-struck.

Or maybe not so much star-struck as sexy-man-struck, if that was a thing. Maybe the word for it was just simply ‘turned on’.

Veronica and I went over to her car, and I pulled up the map on my phone.

“That bar is just down the street, about five minutes away. Turn left at the end of the road.”

I guided her along, and we pulled up outside a quiet-looking Irish bar: O’Grady’s pub. Veronica looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

“What is up with you and dive bars? Why can’t we go somewhere nice?”

“Because nice places are expensive, and in case you don’t remember, I’m very, very broke right now. Dive bars are quieter anyways. Better for working.”

Veronica sighed. “I guess we have had some good nights in dive bars.”

“Remember the night you went home with that red-haired rugby player?” I teased. “Where was he from? Scotland?”

“Wales,” she replied, rolling her eyes and trying to hide her grin. “I think. I couldn’t understand anything he said.”

I laughed, getting out of the car. “Come on. I bet it’s dead in there and we can have a drink and talk about how freaking sexy those musicians are. I mean—we can plan the styling for the photo shoot.”

Veronica laughed and followed me inside. I was right, it was dead in there. There was an older gentleman behind the bar, who looked like he’d been working there for about thirty years. He had a rag hooked into his back pocket, and he poured beers while keeping up a conversation with the two patrons sitting at the bar. Other than that, the place was empty.

“Come on,” I said. “Let’s take this booth.”

We dropped our bags and I started taking out my files. I’d sketch some looks, and Veronica would come up with concepts for the photos. She got up and ordered a couple drinks at the bar. I heard her laughing with the bartender, and when she came back she winked at me.

“I don’t think they’re used to having women in here,” she said. “He just gave us these for free.”

I shrugged. “I’ll take it,” I laughed.

I hadn’t been kidding when I said I was broke. I was beyond broke. My mother had just gotten out of the hospital again, and I was just waiting for the hospital to realize that we had no money and shitty insurance. We were so deep in debt that I doubted I’d ever pay it all back.

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