Page 24 of Maddox

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Chapter 12 - Lacie

My head was spinning. Maddox headed back towards the dressing room as I went to the mirror to make sure I looked presentable. My chest was still heaving up and down and my cheeks were flushed. I straightened my clothes and took a deep breath before following Maddox.

Why did it feel so good when Maddox said I was his? I’d never been into that kind of thing. I’d always thought of myself as independent. But with Maddox, it felt good to melt into him. It felt so, so good to give in to everything that he said. I wanted to be his. I wanted to belong to him.

I stumbled back into the dressing room and Garrett’s eyes pierced through me. When he grinned at Maddox, I blushed. I tried swallowing the flush back, motioning for him to get in the makeup chair. If I was working, maybe I would stop thinking about the orgasm I’d just had in Maddox’s arms, pressed up against the bathroom door.

“How many times a day do you have to touch up my makeup?” Garrett complained, winking at me. I stole a glance at Maddox and my cheeks burned hotter. I turned to Garrett.

“As many times as you appear on camera,” I shot back, finally meeting Garrett’s eye. There was laughter in his eyes, so I raised my eyebrow in challenge. “And for the next week, that’s multiple times a day. I heard you loved having women all over you, you shouldn’t be complaining.”

Garrett laughed and shrugged. His eyes glazed over, as if he were thinking of something important. I frowned, wondering about the glances I’d seen between him and Morgan. Was it possible…?

I shook my head. Just because Veronica and I had been swept off our feet by these stupidly handsome and sexy musicians, it didn’t mean Morgan was, too. She was the responsible one, after all.

We were all flying to New York the next day, so as much as I wanted to stay with Maddox, I had to go home. I’d have to pack and make sure that my mother had everything she needed for the three days we’d be away. Maddox gave me a long look as I was leaving, but neither of us had the opportunity to sneak away again.

I jumped in to the car with Veronica and sighed.

“Can’t wait until I can afford my own car,” I said. “Thanks again for driving me all the time.”

“We work together, and I live like ten minutes away from you,” she laughed. “It’s okay, really. I know that with your mom being sick you don’t have much extra money. I like our car time,” she laughed. “Sometimes it’s the only time we have to talk!”

I nodded, and Vee looked at me. Her voice softened. “When are you going to ask Morgan for a raise?”

“I’m not sure she can give me a big enough raise,” I laughed bitterly. The past couple days had been a whirlwind. Meeting Maddox had made me momentarily forget how bad my troubles were at home. It was just me and Mom, and she was depending on me.

My heart contracted. Vee could sense it, and she reached over to squeeze my hand. “It’ll work out,” she said.

“Yeah,” I replied, staring out the car window. I took a deep breath. “So, are you excited for New York?”

Veronica smiled. “Stoked.” She glanced at me. “What’s going on with you and Maddox, anyway? You’re always looking at each other and I’m pretty sure your cheeks are just permanently red now.”

I blushed, and then cursed my stupid cheeks.

“Well what about you? You disappeared with Carter for a while today.”

It was her turn to blush, and I laughed. “Did you notice anything funny between Morgan and Garrett?”

“What, like a power struggle?”

I giggled. “That’s one way of putting it.”

“She would be turned on by that kind of thing.”

I laughed. “Well hopefully they hook up, and Morgan can relax a little. She hardly talks to us anymore now that Marcus is up her ass trying to ruin her life.”

Vee laughed. “When did you get such a dirty mouth? I feel like I’ve heard you swear more in the past two days than I have in the past two years.”

“Hanging around with too many rock stars,” I grinned.

We pulled up outside my house. I looked at the peeling paint and the roof that needed replacing and I sighed. I wouldn’t be moving into a mansion in the hills anytime soon, especially if my mom’s illness didn’t get any better.

“See you in the morning,” I said.

“I’ll leave my car at home but I’ll get the taxi to pick you up tomorrow, and we can head to the airport together.”

“Next stop, New York,” I laughed, waving goodbye to Veronica. She drove off, and my shoulders slumped. I turned back towards the house and took a deep, calming breath. I put on the happiest face I could and trudged up towards the house. As soon as I walked in, I heard my mother’s voice from her bedroom.

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