Page 21 of Maddox

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“Hey,” I said, blushing.


He stalked towards me and within seconds his lips were crushed against mine. He wrapped his arms around me and swept me up in a dizzying kiss. My hands crawled up his chest, resting on his jaw as he kissed me deeper.

“You look fucking amazing,” he said, running his hands up my sides.

I laughed. “I’m wearing black jeans and a black tee-shirt.”

“And you look amazing in them.”

My heart fluttered, and butterflies crashed around in my stomach. There was something in Maddox’s eye, something that I couldn’t place. It was like I was putty in his hands. He could do whatever he wanted with me. He could tell me to do anything and I would do it.

He sank down in the chair and pulled me on top of him.

“So this is your battle station, is it?” He asked, nodding to the vanity.

I grinned. “Yeah. It’s a tough job making you guys look pretty, but someone has to do it.”

He squeezed his hands and pulled me into his chest. “Tough job?”

“You’re not giving me much to work with,” I said, running my finger along his chiseled jaw. His eyes flashed and the butterflies fluttered in my stomach again. He pulled me closer, and I fell against his impossibly muscular chest.

“Did you dream of me last night?” He growled in my ear. “Because I dreamt of you. I dreamt of eating that sweet little pussy of yours.”

I whimpered as his hands roamed all over me, cupping my ass.

“I dreamt of all the things I’m going to do to my sweet little angel,” he continued, his voice low and husky. “About how you’ll be the dirtiest girl you’ve ever been for me.”

“Yeah?” I breathed, my head nestled in his neck. His hands ran over my jeans, brushing my thighs and sending electric shocks through me. “You make me want to be dirty,” I whispered.

He kissed me again, and this time it was almost animalistic. He growled into my mouth and it sent electricity coursing through me. I wanted him so badly it ached.

I almost fell over when the door opened. I yelped, smoothing my clothes down and patting my hair, trying to hide the blush on my face. Garrett Wood was standing in the doorway. His eyes went from me to Maddox and back to me again, and a grin tugged at his lips.

“Did I interrupt something?”

“No,” I stammered. “Not at all. Just finishing up Maddox’s hair and makeup for the show.”

“Right,” he said, catching Maddox’s eye in the mirror. “Just finishing up, eh?”

“Careful,” Maddox growled. His voice sounded predatory, almost territorial. It sent another shiver down my spine, and Garrett seemed to understand. He shrugged and sat down, and I tried to take a deep breath. I turned to my makeup as Maddox ran his hand along the outside of my thigh.

Garrett was looking at his phone, paying no attention to us. Maddox kept his hands on me as I started doing his hair and makeup. He wouldn’t need much, just enough so that the studio lights wouldn’t make him shiny. My heartbeat slowed as I got to work, and I was almost able to ignore Maddox’s loaded looks.

I was almost relieved when Morgan walked in. She looked a bit flushed, and a few seconds later Vee and Carter appeared.

Veronica glanced at me and her lip tugged upwards. My eyes widened, and I glanced at Carter. He just looked at Morgan. There was definitely tension in the air, but I wasn’t sure who was tense with whom, or if it was just my crazy, sex-addled mind playing tricks on me.

“Good, everyone is here.” Morgan said in her most business-like voice. I could always tell when she was in ‘work mode’. “Carter, I’ll get you to jump in to the seat so Lacie can do your hair and makeup. Garrett, come with me, you need to check your gear at the studio.”

“You’re the boss,” Garrett replied, and he got up to follow her out. Maddox relinquished his seat, looking me up and down once more before Carter took his spot.

Finally, with Maddox farther away, my heartbeat could slow down and the burning need between my legs might dull enough for me to do my job.

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