Page 76 of Hell Bites

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Turning away from her before what little dignity I have crumbles to dust and leaves me begging for things I don’t really want, I start toward the farthest part of the yard.

Only to be yanked to a halt and spun around.

“I’m not going any further until you listen!”

God, she’s a strong little thing.

I keep forgetting that.

“Fine.” I fold my arms against my chest and nod. “You have five minutes before I’m leaving with or without you.”

Zia plants her hands in her hips and blows out a breath. “I was spelled, Felix.”

I narrow my eyes but say nothing. She can say her piece, lie all she wants but—

“Prazin put a spell on me because Davina wanted him to. That was the plan.”

My head is fucking spinning.

Could she be telling the truth?

Everything she’s saying makes sense but… How can I be sure?

“When you busted into the castle like some knight in shining armor, I knew that I knew you, but couldn’t figure out why. I gave you to that bitch because I had to. It all seemed weird and a lot of it is fuzzy, but thankfully I ran into Rae and Silo—”

“Who the fuck is Silo?”

“The corn man,” she says simply. I raise a brow. She thrusts her arm toward the castle. “Your friend that constantly looks at my brother like he wants to eat him for breakfast!”

“You mean Si-LAS?”

“I meant what I said, Felix, so if you’ll let me continue?”

I blow out a breath and gesture for her to go on. We’re running out of time, I hear the enemies closing in, but I know her. If I don’t let her do her thing, we’ll be here all damn day.

“Anyway, my brother and your friend, Silo, made me take this super long walk into town, and we met with this guy who said I was spelled, and the only way we could fix it was to get the guy who put it on me to remove it or kill him.” She’s talking so fast and I’m trying to keep up. “We had only just left that place when I felt like I was being crushed by a rhino. Everything hurt, but then it all made sense when my memories came back. Eventually I remembered everything that happened, including the conversation Xadrian had with Prazin, the guy who put the spell on me. It made me want to be with Xadrian because that is the only reason I would ever want to be with him.

“When you killed her, it broke the spell because even though Prazin put it on me, it was initially Davina’s spell disguised as being a spell for Xadrian. They’ve been ten steps ahead of us this whole time. I didn’t set you up, they set us up.”

I blink a few times, just staring at her and trying to process everything she’s saying.

Is she telling the truth? Is this all part of the plan?

“Felix. I…”

I frown. “You what?”

“I love you,” she says simply with a little shrug. She steps closer, putting her hand on my chest. “You’re the only creature in this world that has made me feel safe, who has given me a choice, let me be me. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. I want to be away from this place and all the evil people in it. And I promise if you choose to forgive me, I’ll be nice to your mole rat.”

I stare at her for a few beats, ignoring the way she calls my good boy Roger a mole rat again, and search those dark eyes for the truth.

And I find it.

The honest, open and raw, unfiltered truth is staring back at me and instead of responding with words, I snap.

I lunge forward and cup her cheeks, slamming my lips against hers. Zia freezes briefly but when I pull her flush against me, molding her body to mine while I kiss her hard, she relaxes before becoming just as desperate as I am.

Lips, teeth, and tongue. Our kisses are frenzied and feral, I can’t get close enough. I lift Zia against me and she immediately wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist, never breaking our kiss.

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