Page 72 of Hell Bites

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It’s the least I can do after I handed him over to that woman.

The woman I am going to get great joy out of murdering for taking my man.

Felix came here for me. He came to hell to save me, and he busted into Xadrian’s castle without a care in the world, all to save me… and I—God, he thinks I betrayed him. The more we walk, the more I think about this, and the more that comes back to me.

This is awful. Terrible. I can’t believe I did that to my sweet Felix. He must be so upset, so hurt. He’s too fragile for this. He can’t handle these things. He’s so nice and innocent and—”Oh my god, where is Roger?” I blurt.

The guys stops, and it’s Silo who answers me. “Uh, Felix left him topside with his landlord.”

“So he’s okay?” I ask, gripping onto Silo’s arm.

“As okay as an obese hairless cat can be.”

I smirk, then pat him on the arm. “Okay, let’s go get my Felix back.”

Chapter Twenty Four


With a huff, I launch Bythor like a shot put into the group of guards charging up the stairs. The big fucker manages to knock all of them down, completely pinning a couple under his literal dead weight.

Bythor really was a giant lump of shit and while killing him was easy, especially hopped up on Davina’s blood, lugging his huge ass up the dungeon stairs and through this labyrinth of a castle was not.

I knew I’d need him, though.

I hadn’t exactly decided what I’d need him for, but I knew he’d come in handy and I guess it was for royal guard bowling.

Thankfully, it gives me a few seconds to collect myself.

Feeding from Davina was a good idea, if only because it helped the healing process work a little harder since the bitch destroyed my wings. I’m not one hundred percent, I won’t be until I can resume feeding the way I was meant to, but between the demon and vampire queen blood, I got big fucking fast. Which needs to last me until I get to Davina’s personal portal because I plan on going topside, grabby Roger, then disappearing somewhere quiet and secluded, and far away from everything and everyone. I won’t be feeding on anything but coconut water from that point forward. Or as soon as my goddamn nubby ass wing stubs heal.

Then I’ll go back to being an isolated, nerdy, vegan vampire who plays video games.

I’m not even going to bother with the podcast.

It did nothing but cause me trouble in the end; I don’t need that shit.

Trying to get the bones to retract, I grit my teeth against the pain but give up after a few seconds. I’m going to have to find a way to get rid of most of what’s left. I won’t be able to tuck them back in, that’s for sure, but I can’t have all these little dangly pieces flopping around either.

That’s a problem for a later date because I can hear the next wave of guards heading this way.

I take a deep breath then start down the stairs, kicking the unconscious goons out of the way. I step over Bythor’s body, noting the smell coming from him and wondering if that’s decomp or his normal odor. They’re pretty similar, it’s hard to tell.

It’s also not important.

Creeping to the end of the hall, I wait to see which way the next unit is going and just before I head the opposite way, one of their communicators goes off.

“The queen is dead! I repeat, the queen is dead. The threat is mobile inside the castle and—shit! We have unknowns running through the front yard.”

Well, I guess my cover is blown.

Bythor was the first to come in and check on Davina. He’d been waiting outside the dungeon and after he deemed too much time had passed, he came looking for her. He’d paged a nearby unit to be on alert. I thought I’d avoided them but they must not have been as nearby as Bythor thought since I just used his body to level them after twenty minutes of running with it.

They must have set off some kind of domino effect, though, since the unit standing in the hallway like a bunch of idiots came about ten minutes after the first, and I’m sure this is going to set off various waves until the castle guard is wiped out and the servants are waiting for the rest of the army to arrive.

Since that means I’m probably going to have to be the one to wipe out the castle guards, I need to avoid expelling too much energy inside so I can battle my way outside to the portal out of Purgatory.

Which is exactly what I do.

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