Page 67 of Hell Bites

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I hate this.

Ever since I realized what this was, what being special to Davina actually meant, I haven’t been able to be in her presence without wanting to vomit.

The day her counsel became so afraid of me that they forced her to send me away, it was the best day of my life. They were right, if she kept overfeeding me like she was, I was going to be able to wipe out the entire royal office. It wasn’t that easy, though.

Davina agreed but only to exile me one year from their request, and that’s when my own personal hell began. And it was why I was so fucking small when I got to earth.

Part of her sick game was starvation, and I didn’t care what happened to me back then, same as I don’t give a shit now, but I can’t stand having this disgusting female use me the way she is right this second.

Dry heaving, I turn my head away but Davina reaches out and slaps me again before tearing a path down the center of my chest all the way to where she’s forcing us to join. She moves faster as I start to bleed, raising her hand to lick it from her fingers while she pumps herself up and down on my dick.

”Do it, Bythor,” she moans, riding me harder, working herself into a frenzy. “Oh, do it now you lump of shit! I want it done while I climax all over my special boy!”

Bile rushes up my throat and I turn away but Davina grabs my face, forcing me to look at her. She leans down, rubbing her breasts in my blood, chasing that grotesque release she so desperately wants. Davina kisses me, my body locking the second she does, and despite the way I roll my lips over my teeth, I realize I’m essentially frozen in place.

Practically paralyzed.

Which is when I feel the back of the cross drop away in two places and my—oh no.

”Oh yes,” Davina moans. “I know I sent you away before but it’s never going to happen again.” She pushes herself upright, rocking back and forth so fucking fast, working not only her body but forcing mine. “Never, ever. You won’t be able to leave me, Felix. I won’t allow it.”

My wings fall from my back, my body’s natural reaction to sex, to any intense emotion, while I’m properly fed. They reach toward the floor as Bythor lifts the cross higher, pulling the ropes and raising us until the tips of my long-unused wings barely touch the floor.

”You will never,” Davina pants. “Leave me again.”

The first slice to my left wing is enough to have my back arching, something that has her crying out in pleasure and as that horrible beast of a vampire cuts away the thin, fragile pieces of my wings, shredding them until all that’s left is the bones, Davina climaxes all over me just like she wanted. And she does it until I fucking black out.

“Oh, my sweet, special boy. Why did you make me hurt you?”

My head turns slightly toward Davina’s voice, instinctively following the sound but I struggle to force my eyes open. My eyelids feel heavy, every movement is like sandpaper dragging against my eyeballs.

“I didn’t want to, Felix,” Davina coos, her presence closer now than it was a second ago. “I never wanted to hurt you but you made me.”

Out of pure curiosity, I push to open my eyes. I’m not afraid, I don’t feel anything at all and I honestly welcome the possibility of this bitch snapping fast enough to kill me but the tone she’s using, it has me curious.

Davina has been angry, so fucking angry since I’ve been here, and the flip to something more docile, something I’d almost call remorseful if I didn’t know better, that’s why I need to see her.

Slowly and rather painfully, my eyes open just as I feel a cool cloth gently applied to what’s left of my right wing. I suck in a sharp breath as it moves along the torn flesh and exposed bone, and my mouth pops open when it’s wrapped around the individual, tiny spindly fragments at various increments.

“I told you, though, didn’t I?” Davina continues tending to my wounds, and I flinch and grit my teeth. “When you came back to me, I told you I’d make you miserable, and I’d make sure you couldn’t leave me again. Didn’t I say that to you?”

Clearing my throat, I nod the best I can. “You did.”

She doesn’t need to hear me say it, and I don’t really need to talk to this bitch but there’s always a chance I could piss her off enough to end things right here, right now. She has me where she wants me. I’m completely at Davina’s mercy and that’s how she likes it.

“I was going to let you come back on your own,” she says as she scoots closer. “I knew you’d miss me enough to come home, and when you did, you wouldn’t be a threat to anyone anymore. You’d be my special boy again.”

The way my stomach twists is almost enough to overpower the pain she’s inflicting while she tries to take care of me but it isn’t, and I start to shake because of it.

“I didn’t think you’d last so long up there.” Then she growls, squeezing one of those small bones until it breaks. “And I had no idea I’d have to use a demon whore to get you to come back to me.”

“Fuck off,” I growl, spitting the words as she breaks another small bone. “Nothing was worth coming back here.” Not anymore.

“Felix,” she snaps. Her shrewd eyes come into view as she dips her head, tilting it with an empty grin. “I’ll not have you saying things like that about our home.” Davina pushes me over some and I only now realize I’m not strapped down to whatever she has me laid out on. “I should be grateful to that stupid little female.”

I swallow down my growl as she rests her elbows in front of me, setting her chin on her hands while those dead eyes search my face.

Looking for a reaction.

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