Page 42 of Hell Bites

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I close my eyes and focus on her scent, breathing deep while running my tongue over my fangs. Her taste is just like her scent, but stronger and the more of it I have in me, the easier it is for me to find.

Except I don’t have enough.

“Where the hell have you been?”

I jump at the sound of Silas’s voice, but I keep looking for the female I’m quickly realizing I don’t want to be without. “I was kidnapped.”

“Yeah, okay.” His lighter cracks behind me and I smell his non-filter cigarette, so I move toward the left side of the building. “Why haven’t I seen you in three days?”

“Because I was kidnapped.”

“Stop screwing around, Felix. I was worried Davina showed up or something. There’s a lot of shit going on down below lately, and I… what the fuck are you looking for?”

I roll my eyes as I walk along the back of the studio toward the right side, my heart starting to beat a little faster when I still don’t find any sign of Zia. “Looking for my kidnapper.”

Silas grabs the back of my shirt just as I step up on the bottom rung of the ladder. “There isn’t anyone up there.”

“How do you know? You just got here.”

“I was just up there, Felix, and I was alone.”


Zia wouldn’t have taken off, not without me. I barely got her out the back door because she didn’t want to let me out of her sight and now… “Goddamnit, I should have listened to her.”

“Who?” Silas asks as he follows me toward the car. “What the hell is going on? And since when can you drive?”

“I can’t.” Wrenching the driver side door open, I check the mini backseat trunk thingy and find Roger sawing logs—Zia brought him out with her so I know she’s been here at least.

“So why do you have a car?”

I walk around the Cooper in a slow circle, looking for anything that might help me figure out what happened to Zia and just when I’m about to go back inside, I stop short of the passenger door when something shiny catches my eye.


The handcuffs Zia used on me, and decided to grab last minute before we left, are on the ground and they’re partially melted.

“Son of a bitch,” I growl as I bend down and snatch them up. “Fucking bastard.”

I rush around to the driver’s side and get behind the wheel, starting the clown car up because it’s close to sunrise and if I don’t want to die before I figure out what happened, I need to get to my apartment.

“Felix!” Silas grabs onto the side mirror as I start to back up. “What the—”

“Get in.”

He blinks at me before shaking his head. “You just said you can’t—”

“I fucking know! But if you want to know what the hell is going on, get in this goddamn car and buckle the fuck up!”

Silas scowls but gets in. “Where are we going?”

“My place.”


The tires squeal and spin as I tear out of the parking lot, ignoring his question while I fly down the road. “Do you see a phone over there?”

“You know I’m going to be in some deep shit if I’m not back by sun up, right?”

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