Page 16 of Hell Bites

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‘You know that’s a cat, right?”

“That thing is not a cat.”

“Yeah, it is.”

“It’s not. It’s hairless, huge with bug eyes, and wearing this ugly sweater that looks pokier than a cactus. Animals don’t wear sweaters.”

Draven then glances at Felix and frowns. “Weirdos dress their animals in sweaters.”

I storm up to Draven, and point in his face. “Don’t you dare insult my Felix ever again!”

He stumbles back. “Right… well, you should get in so we can go. I’m late for my day job.”

I climb into the backseat and groan when I realize Draven didn’t buckle Felix in. Doesn’t he care about his well-being? I reach across Felix and can’t help but run my nose along his chest and inhale his scent as I do. I buckle him, then tug on it to make sure it’s locked properly. I don't want him getting hurt. I sit close to him, wrap my arm around his waist, and rest my head against his chest as we make our way home.

Draven helps me get Felix and the alien into the house, then storms out. He’s shaking his head and muttering to himself all the way to his car.

“Bye! Thank you for your help!” I call after him with a grin as I stand on the porch and watch as he goes. He looks at me over his shoulder, shakes his head again, then gets in the car and leaves.

When I get back into the house, I notice Felix isn’t awake.

Did I go too far?

He should have woken up almost right away… shouldn’t he have?

He’s comfortable at least, laying in my bed that I plan to share with him for the rest of forever.

Leaving the handcuffs on is necessary. I don’t want him to attack me before I get a chance to explain. I look him over, wondering if there is something I can do to wake him up.

I spot some kind of strap across his chest. As I follow it, I see it’s attached to a bag. I didn’t realize he was wearing one because I was too distracted by that damn alien in a box. I tug on the strap, but it doesn’t come off. And I can't get it off because of the handcuffs. I want him to be comfortable, so I guess cutting it is the best option.

I go in search of scissors, pressing my ear to the bathroom door to listen for the alien, and smile when I hear it’s silent in there. The thing was making the strangest noises inside that box, so I figured letting it loose in the bathroom would be okay. It’s been quiet ever since.

I find scissors in the kitchen that I use to cut the strap on the bag, but when I pull it away, I see a large spot of blood on the bed. Panic overwhelms me as I search Felix’s body, pressing my hands everywhere I can to find a wound.

Oh no.

No, no, no.

I hurt him!

As I touch everywhere I can along his sides and arms, I don’t find anything that would cause that much blood. My hands are shaking as I look around, trying to figure out where the blood came from, when my eyes land on another spot beneath the bag that’s now on the floor. I open it to find a plastic bag that has blood in it.

Why the hell would he have a blood bag?

I take the bag and drop it into the tub in the bathroom off the bedroom. When I get back to Felix, I look over his gorgeous face with flawless skin and beautiful dark eyelashes. As I stare at his lips, wondering what it would be like to kiss him, I see the smallest hint of a tooth. Well, not just a tooth, but… I lean in, press my finger to his top lip and push it up, then gasp.


Is my Felix a vampire?

“Oh, you naughty boy,” I say out loud.

I swing my head back to the spot of blood.

The blood. The fangs. Working a night shift…

This man is so naughty! I knew it. I knew he had it in him. Why is he playing pretend with me? Acting like he’s so shy. Vampires aren’t shy!

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