Page 92 of Ravish Me Slowly

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I took the prepared lunchbox from the fridge and set off. As soon as the wooden structures came into view, I paused for a moment. The scent of wood was in the air. Sounds of vigorous work filled the surroundings—sawing and hammering, with workers climbing around on the future roof frame, ensuring the construction met the required standards.

I knew Gray was working in the cabin from where he had rescued Declan. It was a bit out of the way, allowing me to sneak past the others without having to greet everyone.

It was nice that they all were helping us, but all the pleasantries and conversations were gradually getting on my nerves. Cookie jumped at me even before I was anywhere near the cabin. Barking, he danced around and up at me, his tongue hanging out as he finally sat down in front of me, tail wagging. I reached into the tiny pocket of my skirt and threw him the treat I had packed earlier. Then I bent down, scratched him behind the ears, and straightened up again.

Cookie had become a source of moral support for everyone working here. The cuddle breaks did wonders when the work seemed overwhelming and everything felt a bit bleak.

I reached the construction site, and, as there were no stairs yet leading up to the foundation, I climbed up and leaned between the beams that would later frame a door. Gray was facing away from me. He had tucked his shirt into his back pocket, giving me a perfect view of his muscular back. His skin glistened in the sun, firing up my thoughts immediately. I crossed my arms behind my back, unsure of how to catch his attention.

"Has anyone ever told you that your backside is just as enticing as your front?"

His head whipped around, his eyes locking on me and slowly narrowing. He let them glide over my body, an eyebrow raised as his gaze lingered on my short skirt. Slowly, he pushed his glasses up into his hair.

"Is that my lunch?"

I grinned. "No, this is," I retorted with a bit too much sass, producing the lunchbox from behind my back.

"My shirt and that damn skirt, sin. Before I even think about that food, you're going to have to help me with a little problem."

"Problem?" Heat rushed through my body all the way to my core.

Gray didn't take his eyes off me as he walked up, snatched the lunchbox from my fingers, and carelessly threw it into the nearest corner.

Instinctively, I took a step back, but his hand on my neck prevented me from putting more distance between us.

With a jerk, he pulled me against his body, then his hands were on the back of my thighs, sliding upward under the skirt, clenching firmly around my butt.

I gasped for air.

"You shouldn't have worn that short skirt if you didn't want to be my snack break today," he whispered in my ear, sending a chill through my entire body.

In recent weeks, we'd taken things slow due to all the work we needed to handle. Stealing bits of time here and there, content just to fall asleep in the same bed.

His reaction took me by surprise. And even more so that he would follow through at a place where anyone could show up at any minute.

"Someone's definitely going to hear you moan, and for some reason, that's completely fine by me," he continued next to my ear.

The fingers of one hand had already moved between my legs. With one finger, he pushed my panties aside, then dragged it from my entrance to my clit and across my core, spreading my wetness.

A pleased sound escaped him as I lifted a leg and wrapped it around his waist, granting him even more access.

With the tip of his finger, he entered me, withdrew it, and busied himself with my sensitive bundle of nerves for a few seconds before plunging his finger back inside me.

One hand stayed on my ass while he removed the other from my pussy, only to spread the wetness from his finger onto my lips before he bent down and kissed me hard and full of desire.

Suddenly, my knees felt much too weak. And not only were my knees affected by his unexpected assault on my body but my mind was too.

"I'm not sure if I want you on the floor, or…" he murmured against my lips, prompting me to bite into his. That seemed to make the decision for him as his hand gripped my hair and took control of my head.

Whatever he was about to do, I was more than ready to be his snack break, and I let him know with my grin.



Amelia was the highlight of my workday, especially after today's rebuilding efforts had reached new heights of frustration. I had initially looked forward to a quiet lunch, just the two of us, but then she showed up in this miniskirt that barely covered half of her thighs, spotlighting her dizzyingly long legs. My gaze traveled from her ankles until it hit the bothersome fabric—making me wonder what awaited me underneath. Even though I had memorized every inch of her heavenly body, not an hour went by without me having daydreams about her.

She was my Achilles' heel. It wasn't just her body that excited me—there was so much more. Her sarcasm. Her stares that sometimes pierced like daggers. Her intelligence… and how she always presented just the right kind of challenge. In recent weeks, she had been the one keeping everything together, especially during those desperate moments when I almost lost faith in the rebuild. And there had been quite a few such moments despite all the help we had received.

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