Page 2 of In The Details

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“Hmmm…you like when a man takes what he wants?” he asked, though I wasn’t sure he actually wanted an answer—not with the way his gaze skimmed over the shape of my body, following every curve and valley like he was riding it. This he did not skimp on. His perusal was as thorough as could be.

Awareness washed over me. My nipples scraping against the lace of my bra, the seam of my jeans aligning with my center, the feel of my clothing on my skin, my hair resting on my shoulders, the way my thighs and ass spread on my stool—it all pushed to the forefront of my mind, and I forgot how to sit, breathe, drink my beer naturally.

I made an attempt to lick my lips again. “I like when certain men take certain things.”

He almost smiled, one corner of his mouth kicking up. “Are you trying to be mysterious, sweetness? It’s cute, but you don’t need to waste time playing around. The second I spotted you, I thought you were the sexiest thing I’d seen in a long time.”

My stomach pitched, and I gripped the edge of the bar so I didn’t go with it. Suddenly light-headed, I sucked in a breath to steady myself. How was this man able to send me topsy-turvy with sweet words?

Probably because I was starved for attention like this.

Well, not strictly like this. I couldn’t hunger for something I’d never had or known possible for a woman like me. Even though I felt like a badass when I climbed off my bike, wearing my leathers and skintight jeans, certainly no one had ever claimed I was the sexiest thing they’d seen in a long time.

That corner kicked up farther. “Did I fluster you?” he practically crooned.

“You did,” I admitted.

He trailed the rough pad of his index finger along my cheek and down the column of my throat. “You’re pink, CeeCee. Love that color on you.”

I bit down on my bottom lip, eyeing him from beneath my lashes. Not playing coy, giving myself a moment to gather what little cool I had.

“You seem to bring it out in me quite easily, Jake.”

A full grin now, he dragged his fingers through my hair, cupping the back of my skull, and pulled me into him. His mouth hovered over mine, and for a beat or two, we traded breaths.

“I wonder…” he drawled.

Before I could ask what exactly he’d been wondering, his mouth covered mine, and I lost my train of thought, just like I had the first time this man kissed me a year ago.

He pulled back, eyes on my parted lips. “Yep.”

I sucked in a sharp breath. “What?”

His lips grazed mine. “It wasn’t some fairy tale I made up. You are just as sweet as I remembered.” His thumb took over for his mouth, pressing against my bottom lip. “You have a hotel room?”

I nodded, an earthquake shifting my insides into an unrecognizable landscape. “Yeah. Are you going to wreck it with me?”

He chuffed and dragged his thumb down to my chin. “Finish your drink, CeeCee, and we’ll see where the night takes us.”

We both knew why we’d shown up here tonight and while it was in me to argue that we shouldn’t waste time, I didn’t.

I had no idea if we’d have another night like this. Maybe I’d wise up and not return. Maybe he would.

Picking up my glass, I raised it in front of me. “To not rushing things.”

He tapped his glass to mine. “To patient good girls getting their rewards.”

I was nowhere near a girl. Tonight, though, I’d be this man’s good girl. If his rewards were anything like they’d been the past three times, I’d be anything he wanted me to be.

Chapter Two


It was so much.

Too much.

Hands pinned above me, the rest of me trapped beneath an unrelenting man, I snapped my eyes shut, giving myself over to the feel of him driving into me. My sweat-misted body sliding against his. The sound of his huffing breath. The warmth of each exhale brushing my lips and chin. The bite of pain and pleasure as he rolled my nipple and kneaded my breast roughly. Jake over me, inside me, surrounding me…

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