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“Blow us all up. I dare you,” said Dheer furiously, taking one step closer to her.

“Don’t be a fool, Dheer,” I warned. “Stay where you are!”

“Yes, don’t be a fool, Dheer,” she mocked. “Look at you good boys. Incapable of hitting a woman.”

I was trying to figure out a way to jump her when a rock came flying towards her from the tunnel and knocked the gun out of her hand.

She cried out in pain and cradled her injured hand as she turned around furiously.

With my heart in my mouth, I turned to the entrance to the tunnel.

Isha came into view, with Basanti trained very carefully on Sapna Goel.

“Rajput men may be incapable of hitting a woman, but never underestimate the power of a Rajput woman,” she said calmly.

In a rage, Sapna flew at her with a little scream. I ran ahead to pull her off Isha, but I realised I would never have to defend my fierce princess because she could defend herself quite well.

A gunshot echoed through the little chamber and Sapna collapsed just as she was about to make contact with Isha. The dead woman looked as shocked as we felt.

One minute she was taunting us and waving her gun around, and the next minute, she was lying on the ground. Quite, quite dead. Killed by a clean shot to the head.

Anyone else would have jumped out of the way of a madwoman on a rampage, but Isha had stood her ground and shot her point blank. How did she not see herself as the goddess that she was? I swore to devote my whole life to showing her exactly how much I worshipped her.

“Are you out of your mind?” I roared, as I grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her hard.



“That should be my line,” I said furiously. “How dare the three of you do something so abysmally stupid? What were you thinking?”

“We knew exactly what we were doing,” Veer argued. “But why are you even here?”

“Guys, if you could defer your fight until we’re out, I don’t feel comfortable standing in a tunnel that’s rigged to blow up,” said Ranvijay, taking the gun from my hand before Veer could set it off by shaking me like a rag doll.

We took one look around us and ran to the exit. Veer gave me a shove to help me out of the tunnel and the others followed me out. When we were a safe distance away, Bhai Sa hit the remote detonator, and with a dull blast, the ground caved in over the Goels’ drug lab and Sapna’s corpse.

“This is going to come back to bite us in the ass,” I predicted. “The CCTV footage from inside the lab alone is enough to put us in jail for years.”

RV snorted loudly in derision.

“The footage will show Sapna threatening all of us. You killed her in self-defence, Isha. No one’s sending you to jail for that. Besides, what are the Goels even going to tell the police? That we took down their cocaine factory? This lab is on your brother’s lands. I suggest we allow the Goels time to collect Sapna’s remains, and then seal the lab for good. Let it be a warning to them to never try something so audacious ever again.”

“No! My men will deliver Sapna’s remains to them and warn them that I will slaughter every Goel that sneaks onto my lands ever again,” snarled Bhai Sa.

The horses neighed restlessly and he clicked his fingers at us.

“Let’s get out of here before the land caves in on itself due to the aftershocks of the blast,” he said, jumping on Pasha.

Veer threw me up on his horse and climbed up behind me.

He rode off with me, leaving the others behind and only stopped when we reached the palace.

“How did you find us, Isha?” he asked furiously after we dismounted. “Did you follow us here?”

“Of course, I did. I knew you were up to something when Diya called me to say that you guys were locked up in Bhai Sa’s study all evening. I came here to confront you after dinner, but I saw you sneaking off into the desert on horseback, and I just had to follow you. Which reminds me. I left my ATV on the other side of the dune.”

Veer grabbed me by the shoulders again and shook me hard.

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