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“Namaste, Chandel Sahab,” I said bitterly. “Don’t tell me you’re discarding me without even giving me a chance to defend myself. And after I just donated a hundred crores to your party fund. That’s a little too convenient for my taste.”

“I don’t like what you’re implying, Ranveer,” snapped the party president

“And I don’t like what you’re implying about my wife’s family, Chandel Sahab,” I snarled back. “If you have any evidence to back up these crazy allegations, produce them immediately. Otherwise, I’ll see you in court for defamation of character.”

“I know you’re upset, Ranveer. But try and understand my position. It has taken me years to get the party to where it is. I cannot endanger my reputation and political career for your sake. As for your money, I’ll return it happily,” he said coldly.

“Let’s not be hasty, Chandel Sahab,” said Isha. “I know you’re both very upset right now. Let’s think about it for some time, and try to find a solution to the problem. Someone is trying to malign Veer’s reputation, and we’re taking steps to address it. Let’s not burn any boats here because I promise you, you will be ready to welcome Veer back into the fold soon.”

It was a lovely speech, but the old coot hung up without replying.

Isha hung her head in defeat.

“I’ll get my people to find out who’s behind all this,” promised Ranvijay before he left us alone.

“This had the Goels written all over it,” said Isha.

“It doesn’t matter. It’s over,” I replied.

“No, it’s not,” she said fiercely, coming over to take my hand. “Don’t you dare give up now, Ranveer Singh Sisodia! The Jadhwals are not quitters!”

“What choice do I have, Isha?” I asked quietly.

Her lips wobbled and tears welled up in her eyes.

“You do have one option, and I think it is the best one,” she replied. “Throw me to the wolves.”

I stared at her in confusion.

“I beg your pardon?”

“Divorce me and tell your people that you refuse to be married to a traitor’s daughter,” she said bluntly.

“Are you out of your mind?”

“I am not! This is your only option, Veer. You have to pick between me and your people. Choose your people because they need you far more than I do.”

Her words sounded as if they came from a distance.


“Yes. Look, our marriage already has an expiry date. Let’s bring it forward by a few months.”

Was she serious? After all that we’d been through, was she really planning to walk away from me after a year?

“Is that all that our marriage means to you? A contract with an expiry date?”

What about the past ten days? Did they mean nothing?

“I’ve been frank with you from the beginning, Veer,” she said severely. “Our marriage was a means to an end. I’ve already got what I wanted from it. And the only way you can get what you want is by calling it off before it’s too late.”

“And you think denouncing you in public will fix the problem?”

“It should,” she said with a shrug.

“What about Diya and Dheer? Am I supposed to denounce them too?” I asked harshly.

“Maybe,” she said slowly. “You might have to stay away from your sister until this settles.”

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