Page 73 of Taming Her Cowboys

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I frown. “Go? Go where?”

He looks to the counter, where I notice a bunch of brownies. Which happen to be the specialty of a certain kindly older lady in town.

I look at him. “Are you bailing on me to go on a date?”

“Well, you’re fine,” he says, rubbing his hand behind his neck. “Aaron’s in jail. The ranch is fine. And when she stopped by to drop these off earlier, she told me real nice-like that she was going to be at the Hangout later…”

I laugh. “Dad. You were the one who told me that it’s all about focusing on the time you have. I just never thought you’d take that advice so soon.”

His face drops. “I just… It’s been a long time since your mother passed, Nora.”

I study him. His face looks like he’s blushing a little.

“And I know that you don’t like the idea of me dating…”

“Oh, my god, Dad. No way. That’s not true. I love this idea.”

He blinks. “What?”

“I’ve been waiting for you to date for years! Seriously,” I add at his shocked expression.

“But your mother?—”

“Died when I was a baby. From a freak thing. You’ve raised me alone your whole life. If there’s one thing I realize now, it’s that doing something alone kind of sucks.”

My dad looks over. “Nora…”

“I know, Dad. You raised me to be independent. I don’t take shit from anyone, and the ranch is included in that. But that doesn’t mean we should turn down help when it’s in front of us.”

My dad blinks and looks away. I can see the tears in his eyes.

“Well. I’m out then,” he mutters. He stands, and I tug him into a hug.

“Tell Ellen hi for me,” I whisper into his ear.

“Will do. Boys,” he says, looking at the guy, “take care of my girl for me.”

I don’t think he means it in the way that it comes out, but I blush and look away all the same.

I wait for the door to slam. For my dad’s truck to roar to life, and for the sound of tires to get distant.

Then I turn back to the guys. “I’m not selling the ranch.”


“Anyone who tries to take it from me is going to get their stuff rocked,” I warn.

“Wouldn’t dream of it being any other way, Hellcat.” Landon smiles.

“And if we do this, we do it all together,” I say.

They all freeze at that. Shane breaks out of it first. “When you say ‘do this,’ what exactly does that mean?”

“Be very, very clear, Nora,” Clint rumbles.

I look at all three of them. I take a deep breath.

“I’m falling in love with you assholes,” I say, my voice barely above a whisper. “All of you. I like each and every one of you. I like how you make me feel about myself. I like what you do for me and the ranch. I don’t want just one of you. I want all of you.”

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