Page 6 of Taming Her Cowboys

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I open the text. Kendall Sutton, my best friend in the whole world, is a rare creature. We met in a poetry seminar, where she was the teaching assistant in charge of helping me. We’ve been besties ever since. She graduated from college two years ago and moved straight to Nashville, hell bent on becoming a country singer.

Turns out, it worked for her. I hear her on the radio more often than I talk to her, and I’ve missed her.

Opening the text, I smile.

Kendall: Hey, girly pop. Heard you went back to where the deer and the antelope play.

In response, I hold up the camera and snap a selfie of myself on Gunter’s back, then add a message.

Me: You wanna come play Pony Express?

Even though we didn’t grow up together, we found out after talking that both of us had this as our favorite game as kids. Kendall’s grandparents owned a farm out in Colorado, and she used to take messages from her grandma to her grandpa when he was working in the fields.

I did the same. I’d climb on Gunter’s back, no saddle, no tack, and ride out to deliver messages to my dad, who would give me a message to take back and interpret at the house.

Kendall: Girl! Yes! I’ll be in Montana… soon-ish? Tour schedules are brutal. I’m heading home soon, then shows in Denver and Cheyenne, so maybe I could work a visit in after?

Me: Yeah, right. I’ll believe it when I see it.

Kendall: Grr. You sound just like Blaire.

I laugh. Blaire, another one of our friends, is a journalist who has a really strong sense for bullshit.

Me: Well, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…

Kendall: Whatever. You doing good? I know you said there was farm trouble, and I want to hear about that, but… how are you feeling about Aaron?

With that, my good mood bubble bursts a little. The truth is, I didn’t tell my dad about my breakup with Aaron. He was a boyfriend that my dad barely knew about. Deep down, I didn’t think my dad would like him, so I kind of kept him hidden.

Turns out, I was right to do that. Aaron cheated on me during one of my last exams, with not one, but a couple of very sweet freshman girls who he tricked into believing all of his lies.

It was a nasty breakup.

My dad called about the ranch soon after, and I was glad for the distraction.

I definitely prefer to work on the ranch than my own terrible taste in men.

Kendall knows all about getting over someone, though. She had her heart broken her last year of college, and now she’s the queen of moving along.

Me: Meh. Let’s get drinks at the Hideout when you visit. Are you for real coming back soon-ish?

Kendall: For you, babe? Of course. I’ll let you know within twenty-four hours of my arrival. Give Gunter some treats. He’s old and deserves them.

Me: I will. Miss you, KenDoll.

Kendall: Miss you too, Nora-bora.

I put the phone away, tugging on Gunter to get him to stop snacking on the grass he found. It would be nice to see Kendall again. Hearing her on the radio or seeing her picture splashed on the cover of magazines or online is just not the same as being with her.

I miss all of my college friends. After graduation, we all just kind of… went away. Kendall has music. Juniper’s event planning business is getting off the ground, the last I heard. Piper’s graduating later this summer, because she needed to take some time off to take care of her sister, and I make a mental note to send her some flowers. Saylor, who was a senior when we all were younger, is finishing vet school next year. I wonder if she’d be interested in moving to Montana instead of home. It would be nice to have an in-house vet…

If it wasn’t so damn expensive.

I sigh. I miss my girls. Being around them feels like some kind of weird fever dream.

Now that I’m here, and I’m home, it’s time to deal with the reality in front of me.

“Come on, guy, let’s get this done.” I click to Gunter, and he ambles toward the alfalfa.

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