Page 10 of Taming Her Cowboys

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“Oh, he’ll sell,” he growls at the two of us. “Make no mistake. That ranch is doomed. One of the two of them is going to notice, and sooner or later, they’re going to give in.”

Shane and I exchange a look. “Clint, don’t you think?—”

“I’m going to bring Storm to the east paddock. Don’t forget that we’re meeting with the investors tonight,” Clint barks at us. Storm in tow, he rides off, heading for the right field.

Beneath me, Danger snorts. I reflexively lean down to pat his neck. “I know, bud. Clint can be a real dick sometimes.”

“You don’t help,” Shane points out. “You seem to know exactly what to say to take him from zero to sixty.”

“I mean, come on, it’s just a fence,” I say, pointing at the broken fence line.

Shane shrugs. “You’re not wrong. But I have a feeling it’s more than just a fence. To both of them,” he adds in a low voice.

He has me there. If it was just Clint’s opinion on the line, I’d happily mend the fucking fence and be done with it. I can handle Clint’s rage and have done so on more than one occasion. What I can’t handle, though, is making an enemy of our extremely sexy new neighbor.

I heave a sigh. “Fine. You got me. I won’t fix the fence.”

“I think that when we come back tomorrow, this fence will be in great shape.” Shane grins at me.

I laugh. “Yeah. Me too. Also, this has to be Nora Foster, right?”

“The same, whose reputation clearly precedes her.”

I snort. “Except the Nora we keep hearing about is like some kind of Mother Teresa. The one we saw?”

“More like a spitfire. Ten pounds of dynamite in a five-pound sack.”

I whistle. “And did you see those jeans?”

“They are hanging on by a thread, man. How did she even get them up over that ass?”

Laughing, I shake my head. “Dunno. But I didn’t have Nora Foster being a smoke show on my bingo card for the month.”

Shane sighs. “Neither did I, brother.”

Both of us look at the horizon for a second, contemplating the woman over the rise. I turn to Shane. “You gonna go for her?”

“And have Clint rip me a new one every time I try to take her on a date?” Shane goes to shake his head, then pauses, looking back at me. “Are you going to go for her?”

“Hell yes,” I smirk. “Especially if there’s no competition.”

“Fuck you, man.” Shane grins. “If I was trying for her, you wouldn’t stand a chance.”

“You’re fucking crazy, dude.”

He laughs, then spurs his horse Buce into action. “Race you back to the house?”

“You’re fucking on, man.”

We both yell, sending the horses into a gallop as fast as we can. Shane, on his big-ass horse, isn’t nearly as fast as Danger and me.

I fucking love this. Racing across the prairie, the wind in my hair. Growing up in Nevada was fine, got a taste for being a cowboy, but Montana is pure fucking heaven, as far as I’m concerned.

Shane and I race forward, tearing toward the house. Much as I’m interested in the new neighbor, I’d never do anything to get on the wrong side of either one of my friends.

Shane and Clint. My friends. Brothers, really. We’ve been raising ourselves since we were kids and escaped Nevada together.

Nora Foster is hot. She’s a fine-looking gal, and there’s no doubt that I love the challenge she decided to throw down in front of us. But at the end of the day, my loyalty is to my brothers. Nora would just be a flash in the pan for me, because I don’t do relationships with women. I’m a one-and-done type of guy. Shane and Clint are my ride-or-dies. Women have never come between us before, and they never will. We’ve been through hell together, and no matter what, our bond is un-fucking-breakable.

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