Page 98 of Deadly Ruse

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I follow him into the brightly lit room. He peeks through the connecting door that’s wide open into the other room. I paid for Ari’s room, just in case she was able to get back to it.

“That’s Ari’s stuff.”

He nods and walks to the window, staring out, and sighs. I can’t believe it’s been a year since we saw each other. In some ways, it feels like yesterday, but in others, it feels like a lifetime ago. “I wasn’t done earlier.”

I lean against the dresser, crossing my arms. “What’s left to say?”

He whips around. “I thought I could get over you. Hell, I thought I was over you. But the moment I saw you standing in the police station, right then and there, I knew that wasn’t possible. Do you know how hard it’s been not to touch you? Not to pull you into my arms? You could be married for all I know. And I don’t know how to ask.”

“I’m not,” I whisper and then the next word slips out before I can stop it. “You?” He shakes his head.

“I know this is the wrong time to be doing this. But you being here and me acting like you were just someone I knew back in the day is killing me inside. I had to tell you.” I stare at him, stunned by his admission. Between Ari and now Pearl—his mom—words aren’t coming easy. “That’s it. That’s all I had to get off my chest. I just needed to tell you that I’m here for you.”

“That means a lot to me,” I finally say, finding my voice. “And hey, what I said earlier about it not being important, I didn’t mean that. You will always be important to me.”

He sighs, nodding. “I have a shift tonight, but if you need me, I’ll find a way to be here. You still have my number?”

I chuckle once at his sarcastic, raised brow. He’s wondering if I erased him entirely from my life. I could never. “Yes.”

As he walks past me, he grabs my hand and squeezes. In that fractured moment, the simple two second touch, where every raw nerve sparks, proves that I, too, will never be over Paxton Turner.

He stops at the door and glances over his shoulder. “Will you have lunch with me tomorrow?”

Can I? Should I? A layer of guilt engulfs me as I think about Ari. I can’t go on a date when my best friend is missing. There’s too much going on in my head. I can’t.

“Paxton,” I start.

He holds his hand out. “First lunch. And then we’ll go door to door, looking for anyone who might have seen Ari last night.”

I chew on my inner cheek. It’s a good idea, and at least I’ll be doing something rather than waiting around. “Okay.”

“Meet me at the precinct around noon?”

I nod, and he lets himself out.

Ari, don’t give up, girl. We’ll find you.

An hour has passed since he left when my phone rings. It surprises me when I see who’s calling. He’s probably heard by now what happened.

“Hey, Chip.” I sigh into the phone.

“Hey, kiddo. How are you doing?” I crack a smile at the once-familiar voice.

“I’ve had better days.”

“Yeah. We got the BOLO for Carl Houston, and I saw the arrest report for Pearl.” He pauses, his breaths heavy on the other end of the line. “But Pearl? I’m having a hard time accepting that she had anything to do with what happened to you. And the other girls? What the hell is wrong with people?”

It’s a question I’ve been asking myself since I was eight.

Silence hangs for a moment. “Kali, there’s no way you could have known. There’s a special place in hell for people like her and Carl.” I think hell is too luxurious for them. “I have to come to Austin to give a statement mid-morning. Are you going to be around? We can grab a coffee beforehand?”

My mind races with conflicting thoughts. I want nothing to do with anyone in Blackburn anymore, but this is Chip. Once I head back to Phoenix, I’m not sure if there will ever be a reason for me to come back. Except Paxton. And I don’t even know what the heck is going on there yet.

“If it’s too much, no worries, kid. You have a lot to process.”

“No. I’d love to see you.” This might be the last time I ever see him. “How about ten? I know how much you need your coffee before you can function,” I say, surprising myself with a bit of humor.

“You know me too well. Text me the address where we can meet, and I’ll be there.”

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