Page 48 of Deadly Ruse

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“I’m mad at you for making me use one of my nine lives,” I nervously joke, but am thankful for his calm demeanor. “I don’t have many left.”

He shakes his head. “You have a million moments left in your lifetime. This will just be one we tell our grandkids, and they’ll think we’re the coolest.”

Does he mean our grandkids?

Clearly, he didn’t. Way to jump ahead fifty years, Kali. We’ve been dating for one month, I remind myself. I glance down, pretending to check the tightness of the harness, even though I know it’s tight because I confirmed it as soon as they secured it.

“If everyone is ready, we’re going to head down. We’re taking one step at a time, slow and steady,” the firefighter instructs.

“I’ll be a bundle of stories,” I mutter sarcastically, taking the first step down.



One and done for me. Never again.

All that safety nonsense they kept spewing to us afterward was bullshit. That was not safe, and no one will ever be able to talk me into believing that. Paxton didn’t argue when I told him I needed a break. When he mentioned maybe leaving the park to get lunch, that was all I needed to turn around and head for the exit.

Bye bitches, I hope to never see you again.

My insides are still buzzing. From the window of the restaurant, I can see the green tip of the roller coaster we were stuck on, peeking over the neighboring buildings. I can’t believe that just happened. What are the chances? To make matters worse, I inhaled my hamburger and fries as if it were my last meal. Paxton still has half a burger left, and that’s mainly because he likes to watch me eat. It’s a little weird. Cute weird, but weird.

I glance at him. “Enjoying the show?” I tease, trying to shake off the lingering adrenaline.

He grins, not missing a beat. “I am. You eat like you’re savoring every bite, and it’s kind of adorable.” I roll my eyes, but I can’t help the smile tugging at my lips. He finally focuses on his own burger, only needing to take two more large bites before he’s finished.

“Are you okay with me being with a cop?” he asks, leaning back against his chair.

If he knew that my dreams of him begin with him in uniform—because holy hell, there’s something about a man in uniform—he’d know that I was okay with it. But I know being a cop is more than wearing a uniform and a badge. It’s dangerous, so I get that.

“Of course. Why?”

He takes a long pull from his beer before replying, and worry creeps in. Please don’t be looking for an out. “Women love the idea of being with a cop, a ‘hot cop.’” He rolls his eyes and makes air quotes, making me snort. Glad I didn’t tell him about my dreams. “But then reality sets in and most women can’t handle it. I’ve had plenty of relationships end because it’s no longer sexy, it’s too difficult.”

I dip my fry into ketchup and think. There isn’t a woman alive who wouldn’t worry. But it’s never made me question if I could be with him. Of course, I haven’t been in the moment where I’m sitting at home worrying if my boyfriend is dead. I want to say I can handle that.

“Before we get further into this, it’s best we find out now,” he adds.

I pause, thinking about all the loss in my life. Would it break me to lose the man I loved, too? Yes. Do I fear the possibility of loss enough to make me back away?

“I didn’t think you would hesitate,” he says, worried. He’s lost just as much as I have, and he’s not backing away. Look at Pearl. She’s never given up on love, despite her many attempts. The feeling of love alone is worth it.

He’s worth it.

“Honestly, I like you more because you’re a police officer. It speaks volumes about your character. You put your life on the line every day, and for what? To save people. That’s pretty damn sexy.” His lips widen against his beer, and I wrinkle my nose. “And you’re pretty awesome at saving people.”

“You might be a little biased,” he teases, setting his beer on the table.

Speaking of saving me, I’ve wondered if being with me has any repercussions at his job. Do they know that we’re dating? Is it even allowed? He’s never mentioned otherwise, but then again, I’ve yet to meet his friends.

“You’re not going to get in trouble for dating me, are you?”

He shakes his head. “Anyone who has any problems with us being together can go take a hike.” He reaches for my hand, interlocking our fingers. The fire in his eyes and the ruggedness of his voice light a spark of desire through me, right down to my core.

“We should go,” I say.

There’s a hint of amusement in his expression as he licks his bottom lip. “I agree,” he says, reading me. He pulls out his wallet, dropping more than enough cash to cover the bill and tip. He shoots up and grabs my hand, not caring to wait for change. I chuckle to myself. At least he’s more excited about this than the roller coaster. “What’s so funny?”

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