Page 29 of Deadly Ruse

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Ted reminded me that I don’t need them. If I was really worried about it, I could hire my own security. I’ve yet to adventure outside the gates of the property, but I’m thinking he’s right. I have the money. Well, almost. Until I gather up the courage to leave, the lottery ticket is safe and sound in a deposit box.

This might be the push I need.

After a hearty protein-filled breakfast Ted insisted I would need, I meet the man who represents my next phase. A short, muscular man with a buzz cut and tattoos peeking out under his T-shirt up his neck stares at me.

“Kali, I’m Zander.” He makes a calculated effort to not squeeze when we shake hands.

Since I’ve started physical therapy on my hands, they’re starting to feel normal, so I wish he didn’t hold back. They still don’t look normal. Martinez told me Zander works with Austin PD, teaching police self-defense. When he learned about what happened, he personally volunteered to help me.

“Nice to meet you. So, you’re here to help me kick ass.”

He chuckles, but not in a funny way. More sarcastic. “I’m here to teach you to defend yourself. But the first thing you need to learn is to read the room.”

I raise a brow, placing a hand on my hip. “I have no problem reading rooms.”

Like right now, you’re being an asshole.

“The night you were kidnapped, did you notice the strange car that had never been parked there before? Or that the streetlight was out?”

Way to shoot straight for the jugular.

I cross my arms, feeling attacked.

“Don’t get all defensive,” he remarks, a hint of amusement in his voice. I find none of this amusing. “You did what most people would do. You knew the area well and were complacent. I bet half the time you walked home, you didn’t remember getting there.”

Now, I feel exposed.

“I felt something was off, but then I saw the light was broken. What am I supposed to do? Live a life questioning everything?”

“No,” he responds. “I’m just saying to pay more attention. If something seems out of place, question it. You were on a dark street, alone, with no protection. Why did you keep going?”

Because I was complacent.

I nod in resignation because, he’s right, I didn’t see the car. I’ll be living in a big city soon, so I should listen to the guy and be more vigilant. Yet, for the time being, he doesn’t have to worry about me not looking over my shoulder and questioning everything.

“I’ll be better at that,” I murmur, a silent promise to myself.

His militant eyes bore into mine for a beat, as if he’s attempting to install the sixth sense into my brain. His loud clap makes me jump. “Ok. Now, let’s learn how to kick ass.”

“Wait, I can’t breathe,” I say, doubled over, holding my chest with one hand as my heart tries to implode. When he doesn’t respond, I lift my head, and he stands there with a heavy brow lifted high.

He glances at his watch. “We’ve been running for five minutes.” No way. It had to be longer than that. “You better hope you don’t have to run from someone,” he deadpans.

This guy is not a motivational speaker.

“I have a good five minutes of running to get away,” I retort, standing with a smug yet breathy smile. I wipe off the bead of sweat running down my temple.

“You call that good?”

Wow! He is not a nice person. My middle finger jumps up on its own and flips him off. He deserves it. It’s the first time I’ve heard his laugh. It’s loud and bold, a lot like his personality. “I thought everyone here was supposed to help me, not demean me and make me feel like shit.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t take you for a princess.”

“I’m not,” I spit back. I’ve always been a fighter.

Just not a runner.

He exhales a long, measured breath. “I know you’re not. I’ve read your file. I want you to reach deep inside and pull out the anger you have simmering in your veins for all the people who have screwed you over in your life and channel that rage to energize yourself.” His finger taps my chest over my heart. “It’s in there. Put all that focus on the motherfucking asshole who’s still walking the streets that put you in a grave.”

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