Page 94 of Wild Distortion

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She lifts a brow. “Sure.”

“Can we drive?”

Her eyes widen in surprise. “That’s a long drive.” Yes, it is. Six states. Eighteen hundred miles. “Oh. You’re not kidding,” she says.

“I was already planning on doing it.” At the time I planned it though, I thought it would be Ryker in the car. But it’d be awesome if Mila came with me. “I want to drive farther than eighteen miles and not drive right into the ocean.”

“You can drive to the next town for that.” She laughs and points out the window, but then her expression softens. “But, I understand, so I’d love to go on a road trip with you. It’s been forever since I’ve not flown.”

We stay awake until two in the morning deciding our route and where we’ll stay. One of her must-have places to stop, Nashville. But first, we’re hitting Mardi Gras.

I go to bed with a smile on my face. This is the first time in two weeks that I feel my future might not be so dismal. Having something to look forward to is cleansing to my soul. And it gives me something other than Ryker’s broken promise to dwell on.

Chapter Thirty-Eight


The news hit fast and hard.

Is Ryker Dallas’ football career, dead like his love interest? Or can it be resurrected too?

Son of a bitch. My head drops after reading the headline on page six. Those fuckers have no boundaries. I’m in a contract so I’m not worried about the bullshit he spewed about my career, but the asshole who wrote this article is an insensitive piece of shit. Like Aspen needs more on top of everything else she’s going through.

My phone rings in my hand, Bree’s name flashing on the front. “Please tell me you have something.”

“I talked to the PR person, but they’re being tight-lipped on everything. I was told the family is all together, and they’re only wish is for privacy. How’d the conference go?”

“It was fine. Typical,” I answer to appease her, but business is the last thing I want to discuss right now. “Did you see what’s on page six today?”

She groans. “Yes, I’m already working on getting that taken down. Maybe Aspen’s PR rep will offer more info when she sees it too. We have to get ahead of the story, but that means we need to talk to find out where you two stand to do that.”

It grates on my every last nerve that my love life has turned into a story and updates have to come through our PR people. This is ridiculous. Why hasn’t she called me? A couple men in suits walk into the Admiral’s Club and nod as they pass me. I force a smile in return but as soon as they pass, I sit forward, leaning on my knees and drop my chin so I don’t have to make eye contact with anyone else.

“Listen, you only have three more days on the road. Focus on that and I’ll do everything I can to get in touch with Aspen.”

They announce the boarding for my flight so I hang up and gather my things. Thank god my gate is right outside the club. Bree might have been able to control interviews by instructing them to not bring up Aspen, but she sure as hell can’t stop the random person. And they have been asking, everyone wants information on Aspen.

What they don’t know, so do I.

* * *

A fucking road trip?

“Where is she going?”

She was in New Orleans a couple days ago. I had no idea she was driving everywhere. It’s a relief knowing she has Secret Service following her.

“I don’t know. All I know is she’s with Mila Malone. And she got into Nashville today,” Bree says.

Watching her press release a few days ago, refueled my desire to be with her. The confident woman I’ve fallen in love with took hold of that stage and owned it. I’ve never been so proud of someone in my life. Her tan has faded, showing off her adorable freckles, natural red lips and intoxicating whiskey-colored eyes. She’s addicting, and the world feels it too. They’ve welcomed her with open arms and everyone wants a piece of her. But I want all of her. Her heart. Her mind. Her body.

I’d settle for her voice right now.

And then the question about me. My heart stopped beating, my eyes glued to the TV, waiting for her answer. It figures her rep cut her off. I should have seen that coming, it’s what Bree would have done too. I rewound that moment a million times, trying to read her expression. It looked like she was mad. She definitely saw the picture with me and Bree. If she would just call me, I’d explain.

I glance around the room and feel like I’m trapped in a time warp. Talking to Bree inside the Admiral’s Club. Might be a different airport, but it all feels the same.

At least this time, I have information.

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