Page 32 of Wild Distortion

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I manage a smile through the tears. “I’m sorry,” I say, wiping one that escaped.

His lips brush mine and he murmurs, “Don’t be sorry, I’m not,” before fusing our lips together. I’ve never had a man pour this much emotion into a kiss. For fourteen days, my heart has never felt so alive. But now, the tempo is an unforgettable beat. The feeling, an unforgiving touch.

I can feel the crack in our hearts.

Its vibration stings my soul.

The scar is irrevocable and deep.

Goodbye, Ball Boy.

* * *

Bolting out of a deep sleep when the alarm rings loudly from the nightstand I stretch my arm, smacking it quiet. I rub the sleep from my eyes, and force my legs to move to the side of the bed, despite wanting nothing more than to give in to my body's fatigue. The darkness outside is about to flip a switch. It won’t be long until the sun’s light pours in.

Another monotonous day.

The weight of loss is slightly lighter this morning. It’s already been a week since I waved at him from the dock, watching him leave, taking my heart with him. And every day since, I’ve promised myself that we would see each other again. But today, I feel I need to move on. My life is here. Whether or not I like it. Allowing myself to live for an inconceivable outcome isn’t healthy.

No matter how much it hurts.

The sympathy glances don’t help either. Despite knowing the ending, at least my friends don’t rub it in. Except Dante. He’s the only one who reminds me that I asked for this.

Who needs enemies when your best friend reminds you daily you messed up? But truthfully, the joke is on him. As much as it hurts, I don’t regret it. It opened my eyes that there are kind men out there and not just assholes that use women. Someday, when it’s the right time, I’ll find another Ryker.

“Are you off to work?” my dad calls out from the end of the dock. I turn my head to look at all the white boxes filled with cookies, sitting on the boat’s seat. Isn’t it obvious? I bite back the snark and just nod. He rubs his neck with an awkward expression. One I’ve not seen since he made me get on birth control years ago.

“You know, Dante’s a good guy.”

I jerk my gaze from the rope that ties to the dock up to his. “Okay?”

Where is he going with this? “I was just thinking that you two have been best friends forever and sometimes that’s a great foundation for a relationship.” He sounds as uncomfortable as this conversation is for me. Does he think I’m desperate enough to settle because my options are limited here on the island?

I sigh, not wanting to get into it about not staying on the island after he’s gone. It’s morbid and I just can’t. Not now.

“Dad. Thanks for being concerned. But Dante and I are just friends. Period.”

He shrugs like he gave it his best shot and turns to walk back up to his house. I blink in confusion. That conversation was weird. He’s never tried to set me up. And I didn’t even think he liked Dante.

“Have you seen, Dante?” Rose, one of my friends I dance with at night, asks as I drop off the cookies at the front desk.

Still reeling from my conversation earlier with my dad, my expression hardens. “Why does everyone think I should be with Dante?” I snap. Her brows shoot up.

“Girl, I was just wondering if you’ve seen him today. He was supposed to take out guests this morning, but never showed up.”


I wince, squeezing the bridge of my nose. “Sorry. Wow, that was uncalled for.”

She leans on her elbows on the counter. “No worries. But who told you that you should be with Dante?”

“My dad.”

“What? Really? They don’t even like each other.”

At least I’m not the only one who thinks that’s crazy. “I know. That’s weird, right?”

She bobs her head. “Well, I kinda thought someday you would probably end up together.” I slap my hand down on the counter. “What? I think everyone did. You guys are inseparable.”

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