Page 25 of Wild Distortion

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Ryker’s shoulders drop. “Well, at least I get to keep your panties. But knowing you’ll be naked under that short dress…” His hand fists tighter around my panties.

His jealousy is cute. Misplaced, but cute. “I’ll keep my legs closed.” I stand on my toes and pull him down for a kiss. He leaves my lips swollen and wanting more before breaking the heated kiss.

With one quick glance before I rush out the door, he says, “Definitely enjoying the company.”

“Qu'est-ce que… Non c'est pas possible !” I dart from my seat and dash to the front of Dante’s boat when my house comes into view. Floating next to the dock is my canoe. I squint my eyes and notice it’s tied up. How did it get there? I jerk my gaze to Dante, looking for answers, he shrugs.

“Maybe someone found it and knew it was yours, so they returned it.”

I lean against the side of the boat, tucking my dress between my legs as the wind whips it around. His explanation is plausible. I narrow my eyes at my longtime best friend who has played many pranks on me in the past. “Are you sure you had nothing to do with this?”

He holds up both his hands. “Wasn’t me, Manu.”

I study him, waiting for his tells. A yank on his ear or a slap to his belly. Neither come, so he’s not lying. He cuts the engine off and we coast to the dock.

Without waiting for the boat to butt up to the dock, I stand on the side and take a quick jump onto the ramp. I rush over to inspect my canoe. None of the gear is missing and nothing seems amiss. Maybe Dante is right.

“Thanks again for coming to my rescue,” I say as he starts the outboard motor.

He spreads his arms out wide. “It’s a sign. The gods are telling you to stay away from that man.”

Between this and the fish, if it’s a sign, they’re giving me mixed signals.

“And maybe, they want you to see what is right in front of you.” His voice carries off in the wind the farther he gets and I wonder if I just heard him right.

Who’s in front of me?

My eyes widen.

Is he talking about him?

Noooo, that is not what he said.

He must have said something else I didn’t catch. We’ve never explored that type of relationship and never will. Ignoring that thought, I run inside my house and get to work.

“Hey hun, you’re getting a late start today,” my dad says from the open door. Taping a box closed, I twist my lips and wonder if that’s his roundabout way of saying he knows I wasn’t here.

“Yep, it happens sometimes. You sure are visiting me a lot lately,” I reply without looking at him, continuing to fill another box.

“Are you still mad at me for yesterday?”

I spin in place, leaning against the concrete counter. “What part? Where you embarrass me in front of a friend? Or when you order your adult daughter to stay away from said friend?”

“The definition of friend has changed from my days.”

I scowl at him. “Maybe you need a friend.” I spin on my toes and continue working.

It’d be good for him to have some fun.

He chuckles. “Don’t worry about me, daughter.” That’s right, I’m not allowed to worry about him. I grit my teeth to keep quiet. I don’t have time to argue with him this morning. “I told you I was sorry.”

I release the heaviness in my chest at how I’m acting. Between our fight yesterday and my canoe disappearing, my patience is running thin. I look over my shoulder and manage a soft smile. “I know, I’m sorry, too.”

His eyes crinkle in the corners with his warm smile. “I’ll let you get back to work.”

“Thanks, Dad. I love you.”

“Love you too, hun.”

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