Page 86 of Twisted Wings

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“Harper, don’t make me regret introducing you.”

“Regret? You watch, he’ll be thanking you tomorrow.”

We burst out laughing. At least she got the conversation away from Max.

“Hey Dallas, how’s everyone tonight?” The humid air fills with screams and it echoes across the seats all the way out to the lawn seats. Cool blue covers the stage from the lights burning above. Lights from phones twinkle all over the stadium. I have one more song left of my set.

I glance at the right of the stage where my friends are standing. Addison jumps up and down along with the crowd. Max flashes me a smile. I’m ready to scream at the top of my lungs that he’s mine. Instead, I turn my attention back to the crowd, a flurry of buzz flowing through my veins for what I’m about to do.

“I have one more song for y’all tonight. It’s a cover for a song that seems appropriate right now. Y’all know about rumors?” I tell myself not to turn toward Max. This wasn’t in our plan and I’m not sure how he’ll feel about it, I mean, he can’t be too mad. I’m about to be his wife. “Well, sometimes, there’s a little truth in them.”

As soon as the crowd figures out what song I’m about to sing, the place erupts. I can’t help the quick glance in Max’s direction and I wink when our eyes meet. He shakes his head, smirking, obviously not surprised.

The melodic words flow out of my mouth as I sing “Rumor” by Lee Brice.

Flashing lights pop off, ending my set and the stage manager hands me a bottle of water. I down the whole thing before exiting. The set breakdown happens instantaneously with the new set for the next artist.

The girls bum rush me, congratulating me on a great show. I’m waiting for the questions regarding my song choice when Max walks up and pulls me into his chest. “What do you say we make it true?” he asks, repeating a line from the song, before slamming his mouth against mine. Gasps surround us as the surprise sinks in, followed by hoots and hollers. I laugh against Max’s lips.

“It’s about damn time,” Aiden quips.

Max digs his head into my neck, whispering, “God, I love you. Even your mischievous little mouth.”

“Ready to face this crowd?” I ask, tilting my head toward our friends.

“Fuck, yeah, I’m ready.”

Chapter Forty-Two


“You’re a horrible best friend.” Addison picks up her martini and glares at me over the rim of the glass. Putting it back down, she continues. “I don’t know if I should be furious or excited.”

“I pick the latter.” I softly smile. They still don’t know why they’re really here or that we’re engaged. We’re all at dinner and about to announce it. If Addison’s mad now, she’s about to be livid.

“Of course, I’m happy for you guys.” She leans over and gives me a hug.

“Well, there’s more we have to tell y’all,” I say, trying not to choke on my words. A pang of guilt that I’ve been engaged to two of these guys’ friends kicks my nerves into gear.

“We’re getting married tomorrow,” Max burst out. My mouth drops. Way to break the ice. The entire table breaks out in so many questions, comments and gasps that I can’t decipher any of it.

“I take it back,” Addison says, pinching my side. Ow! I jerk my head to her and she’s crossed her arms tight across her chest.

I wince, shrugging a shoulder. “At least we’re not married.”

“Ooohhh!” She playfully growls. She’s not upset, slightly hurt, but I can see she’s ready to celebrate. “I would have told every dirty secret you had. To the tabloids.”

I pinch her back, laughing. “No, you wouldn’t.”

Chaos ensues after that. Question after question about how we got here. The one question no-one asks, the one I was most afraid of, is why so soon? I tell everyone how he asked me both times. We both talk about times we were together on the tour.

Addie grabs my other hand. “Lulu will be ecstatic that her favorite aunt and uncle are getting married.” She freezes and I cock an eyebrow up in question. “She’ll hate that she’s missing it.”

My smile widens. “She’s not. I already talked to Amy, and she’s bringing the kids up.” Amy was like a mom to me. There’s no way I wouldn’t invite her.

“She knew you were getting married when we dropped the kids off?” She huffs. I bite my lip and nod. Amy and Suzy were the only two who knew, and they were sworn to secrecy.

“How’s the living arrangements going to work?” Aiden pipes up over the crowd, his arm around Addison’s shoulders.

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