Page 76 of Twisted Wings

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“Oh,” she chuckles, sitting up. She grabs her water and takes a quick drink. Condensation from the bottle falls onto her chest and my gaze follows the drip of water until it disappears into her cleavage. Damn, that’s hot. “Our first kiss. Do you remember, after we went skydiving?”

“Did you just ask me if I remembered our first kiss?”

She sheepishly looks down. “I didn’t know if—”

I swing my leg over, hopping off the chair and sweep her up in my arms, jumping in the pool. She screams right before she hits the water. She coughs when she breaks the surface.

“You asshole! Didn’t you learn the last time you tried to drown me?”

I shouldn’t laugh at her pouty lips, but she’s cute as hell when she’s mad. Swimming over to her, I pull her into my arms and walk her to the ledge. Her back rests against the side of the pool and she wraps her legs around my waist. “I remember, Tink. I tried for so long to forget, except it was etched in my head like a plague on display reminding me about my number one fuck up.”

Water cascades down her sun-kissed face, her eyes sparkle like a diamond with the light hits them perfect. “Not too many times you can say your number one fuck up turned into the best thing you ever did.”

My smile grows and I wag my brows as my thoughts turn dirty. “You are definitely the best thing I ever did.”

She laughs, shaking her head. “Well, if you plan on being did some more, that’s a good answer.”

“Oh, I have plans.” I nibble on her ear and she arches her neck, giving me better access. “And you know me, I execute every plan I make.”

Chill bumps cover her body. “I hope one of those plans involves a pool,” she breathes out. “In Hawaii.”

I trail my finger along her bikini bottom, slipping it under. She moans when I swipe it against her core, burying it deep inside.

“It’s at the top of my list.”

Chapter Thirty-Seven


“I have to go into town to take care of some business,” Max whispers into my ear. He runs his nose along my naked spine, making me squirm. I can barely muster enough energy to shoo him off with the slight lift of my hand.

“Stop.” I snicker with no emphasis. “I’ll be here when you get back.” The heat from the afternoon sun mixed with the humid ocean breeze sweeps over my body, relaxing me further into my reverie. I want to breathe this moment forever. I want to feel it grow inside me, cherish every second it consumes my body.

My phone dings, waking me. I roll over and groan. My nipples pebbled from the soft breeze dusting over them. The hum of sensuality vibrating through my body from being naked is empowering. I’m sure Max won’t mind if I forgo clothes the rest of the vacation. I listen for him, wondering if he made it back. Rather, I hear my phone ding again. I push myself up, untangling my legs in the cool sheets, and reach to the bedside table where my phone is sitting.

Hulk: Be ready for dinner by 7.

I smile to myself. Everything about Max is perfect. Despite our quick engagement, I can say with absolute ascertainment, I love him with everything that I am. When Damon asked me to marry him in front of everyone, I felt on the spot, caught up in the fantasy that Addison and I were marrying best friends and we’d have babies together that would grow up to be best friends too. I was with him because I needed him to fulfill a fantasy, not because I loved him. And I’ve come to terms with that mistake. I’ve realized Max isn’t my second choice. He was my clear choice in a hazy world. I let beliefs stop me from tapping into my real desires.

Even though the fantasy hasn’t changed, I’m saying yes because I love Max with everything inside of me. He owns my heart. He consumes my thoughts. He sings to my soul. I hold the phone to my heart, getting lost to his tune that lives inside me. Lyrics flash in my head and I pull my phone back, opening the Notes app to write the words down before I forget them. Glancing at the clock, I fly out of bed.

Shit. Shit. Shit. 6:10!

I pull out the only dress I brought with me. It’s a simple red, strapless, fitted dress that goes just past my knees. Thankful I took a shower before passing out, my beach wavy hair ends up looking perfect. Mascara and red lipstick finish my sexy look with no need to add any more makeup. If only I could have a year-round tan.

A knock at the door surprises me. Man, he’s taking this seriously. When I answer the door, I take a couple steps back at the sight of a stranger.

“Ms. Owen, I’m sorry. Mr. Shaw sent me to get you. I’m Carl,” he blurts, holding out a dozen roses I missed at first sight. I narrow my eyes at the large Polynesian man dressed in a white linen shirt and black slacks. A tribal tattoo wraps around one of his elbows. He has a lei around his neck and flip-flops on. Looking past him, I see a black jeep.

I take the flowers, not taking my eyes off of him. “Do you mind if I text Max first?”

“No, ma’am.” He continues to smile, not offended by my hesitancy. I nod and close the door, locking it. Then look at the entire length of the house, wide open. That lock wouldn’t hold anyone back from getting to me.

Noticing a note on the flowers, I pull it off and open the small white card.

Plan #2 is in motion. Carl’s a good guy.

Can’t wait to see your face. ~ M

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