Page 62 of Twisted Wings

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“We haven’t discussed the technicalities, but we’ll make it work.”

He pops another olive in his mouth. “I hope so. You’re good for her. She hasn’t been this happy since she showed up on my doorstep.” Graham will always be in my good graces because of how he helped Sydney when I couldn’t.

I find her in the crowd, surrounded by a few of her bandmates and more high-water wearing executives. Her laugh is contagious in the group, making me smile as she works her magic. Glancing down at Graham’s pant legs, I’m not surprised at what I find. “Why, Graham? Why do men think that looks good?” I say, pointing down to his bare ankles.

His eyes follow the path of my finger and he laughs when he sees what I’m referring to. “It’s called fashion, Max.” He scans my black slacks — that go all the way to my black dress shoes — and white button-up shirt, humming to himself. “You should let my stylist take you shopping while you’re in LA.”

“What the fuck for? I look good.” I tug on my shirt, daring him to disagree with me.

“You look damn good,” a brunette purrs, coming up to my side. Graham’s eyes pop open wide, watching her slide her arm around mine. “You should dance with me.” The smell of cheap wine and perfume invade my nostrils.

I remove her arm from around mine, flashing her a fake smile. “Thanks, but I’m good.” I cast my eyes at Sydney, finding her glaring at the woman before her eyes jump to mine. I take a long pull of my beer, wondering what she’s thinking. She’s not happy, but is she upset enough to come over here and claim what’s hers? When the redhead runs her hand over my bicep and squeezes, Syd’s petite body stiffens. I’m tempted to let her keep it there if it’ll bring my beautiful woman over.

“Wow, are you a bodybuilder?”

“Lady! He’s not interested,” Graham snaps. She huffs, removing her hand, haughtily tilts her head back as she pivots and stomps off. Graham downs his drink and sets the glass on the bar. “It’s a wonder why I like men.” He makes me laugh out loud.

When another hand snakes through my arm, I open my mouth to tell whoever it is, I’m not interested. Again. Instead, I’m met with ice-blue eyes and a scent of vanilla that I’ll never get tired of. Her smile lights up her face and I wait for her to do something, unsure where this is going. She’s in the driver’s seat and I’m the passenger holding on for dear life.

I hate being the passenger.

“Trying to get another hashtag?” she muses.

I shrug. “There’s only one hashtag I want.” Her brows draw together. Dipping my head so my words don’t carry, I say, “Hashtag off the market.”

She bites her lip, leaning into me and I take a deep inhale and groan. “I can help with that,” she murmurs, slightly out of breath, lifting her face. Her lips brush over mine. When she pushes into me, deepening the kiss, I can’t help but wrap my arm around her waist. The fear of her backing away too soon before I can get my fix of her overwhelms me. She might have started this, but I’m finishing. Hold on Tink, because I’m back in the driver’s seat.

She moans into my mouth when I nip at her lip and my dick jumps at the sound. Her sequined dress is rough under my hand as I palm her ass. It’s not until Graham squeals in delight that I pull back.

“I need a man to kiss me like that,” he says. “Know any?” Sydney and I pull apart and laugh. Not sure any of my friends fit his type. “So, does this mean the secret is out?”

I peer down at Sydney wondering the same thing. She nods, slipping her fingers through mine, sending a bolt of relief through my bones. “We’ll tell Addison and Aiden tomorrow.” She jerks her head over to Graham. “But G, don’t say anything to anyone until after we talk to our friends.” His lips turn down in disappointment.

“Fine. What’s another day?” He waves his hand in the air. “I’m off to find me a hashtag I’m off the market boyfriend.” We watch him disappear into the crowded dance floor.

“Are you sure you’re ready?” I say, pulling her into me, concerned she might change her mind. Once she gives me the green light, there’s no turning back.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, interrupts us. Her wicked smile from the vibration causes a deep-throated growl to escape my lips. “With that short dress, it wouldn’t take too private of a place for me to put that imagination of yours to use.”

Her body quivers against me at the suggestion. My eyes wander around the room, searching for a place as I pull the phone out of my pocket. It can only be Stone, which is the reason I’m looking. Otherwise, we’d be headed straight to the dark corridor I just saw.

Stone: call me asap.

The phone rings a couple times before he picks up. “Sorry to interrupt you, boss, but I think we found Rex. And it’s not good.”

Fuck. “Where are you?”

“Already outside.”

I glance at Sydney, my lips puckered with annoyance as I hang up the phone. “Sorry. We need to postpone the tongue licking you were about to get.”

She gasps, covering her mouth with her hand, her cheeks burn red. “Max Shaw!”

I chuckle, bringing her lips to my mouth for a quick kiss. “I have to meet Stone outside.”

“I’m coming too,” she says, readying herself.

“Hmm, I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

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