Page 53 of Twisted Wings

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“Is there a reason I’m here, running with you?” Graham glances over at me. His lean body is made for running. Mine, not so much. But I’m keeping in step with him.

I shrug. “I needed a running partner, someone who would challenge me to go the distance.”

Sensing his eyes on me, I look over. “You’re so full of shit. Does this have to do with the kiss?”

It has everything to do with the kiss.

Turning my attention forward, I nod. “You heard, huh?”

“Who didn’t?”

This makes me happy. That kiss had a purpose, and it wasn’t to claim Sydney. But I’m definitely not upset that the purpose veered off course. Right to her bed.

“So, are you here to ask my permission to date her?”

Permission? Is he serious?

I have to slow down from laughing so hard. Sweat beads on my forehead and I wipe it off, stopping altogether. “Hold on,” I say, holding up a finger, pulling in a breath. “I haven’t laughed that hard in forever.”

He stops, stands with his hands on his hips. “It wasn’t that funny.” His voice has an alarming notion of rightness and it rubs me the wrong way.

“I see that.” I step closer to him, all humor drops from my face. He takes a step back.

That’s right, back the fuck up.

He needs to understand his place in this equation, and it sure as hell isn’t Sydney’s gatekeeper. “If you think I need a blessing from you to be with the woman I have loved for over two years, you’re fucking delusional.”

Surprisingly, he stands tall, trying to mask his fear. The dilation in his eyes gives it away. Usually I would respect a man for standing up for what he believes, but he does not want to go toe to toe with me on this.

“It was nothing but a guess, Max. You wake me up to go running, yet we’ve never conversed except for business reasons. I don’t know what to think.”

Thunder rumbles overhead, pulling our attention to the skies. Clouds cluster together above us, threatening to release their wrath on us. I blow out a ragged breath, wondering where all this rage came from. And I’m not referring to the weather. Any threat to my relationship with Sydney, manufactured in my head or real, has me on guard.

Controlling my tone, I respond, “I brought you out here to tell you that Sydney and I are together. It’s important you know since you’re her manager. And a good friend.”

He stares at me, lips twisted as he mulls over the new information. My eyes dart around at the people who jog past us rather than deal with the uncomfortable silence between us. I flinch from a drop of rain landing on my nose.

“Glad we talked,” I say, slapping him on the back. “But we need to go.”

I head in the hotel’s direction, rain dropping rapidly now, but stop when I notice he’s not coming. What the ever-loving hell? I spin around and he’s still in the same spot. “What, Graham?”

He shakes his head, points my direction. “Why are you headed back? Scared of a little rain?”

My lips twitch. I didn’t give the guy enough credit. I was going back for him, wasn’t in the mood for some pussy whining about getting wet. Pushing forward, I jog past him and say, “I was giving you an out.”

The sky never opens up to a torrential downpour, but enough to get us soaked. According to my watch, we ran for twelve miles, all in silence. The run is exactly what I needed to clear my head before meeting with the team.

Our shoes slosh and squeak against the tiled hotel lobby as we make our way to the elevator. People glance our way with sympathetic expressions at our drenched clothes like we were unfortunate to get caught out in the rain without an umbrella. A hotel staffer runs up to us with two towels in hand. We both mutter thanks. I wipe off my face and hair, hanging the towel around my neck.

For such a big hotel, the elevators should be quicker. I tap my finger against my leg, waiting.

“It’s about time,” Graham announces.

I glance at all three elevators, ready to jump on one, but none are even close to our level. “For what?” I say, turning my attention to him.

“It’s about time you and Sky figured your shit out. I’m happy for you both.” It took him all that time to say that? Is he blowing smoke up my ass? My brow cocks as I try to read him and his real intentions. He rolls his eyes and sighs. “I can’t say I’m not concerned. I was there to pick up the pieces left of her when she lost…” He pauses and I nod in understanding. He doesn’t need to finish the sentence, I was fucking there too. “You’re in the same profession, so to speak, and I worry that next time there won’t be pieces to pick up.”

I get it. It’s one of the many reasons I tried to stay away. It seems the power of a heart not only keeps you alive but decides without prejudice who to love. I was tired of fighting it.

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