Page 3 of Twisted Wings

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Max’s arms squeeze me tight. When his hand gets caught up in my hair, it reminds me I have somewhere to be. I push back, swallowing my feelings. “Goddamn it, Max, I can’t do this right now,” I hiccup through my tears and swipe them off my cheek. I groan, not wanting to redo my makeup. I’ve become a pro hampering down my feelings and I can’t let him being here pulling it out of me, destroy my night. He watches me stomp around, fixing myself. Or try. I murmur a few unpleasant words when I can’t fix my puffy eyes. It’ll work for now.

“Are you kidding me?” I mutter to myself, looking down at my phone. There isn’t an Uber driver anywhere close. It’s freaking Los Angeles, they’re usually within a minute radius away. I can’t wait fifteen minutes. “This is all your fault.” Somehow Max being here has shifted my world already.

Max holds his palms in the air. “I can do a lot of things. But making Uber drivers disappear isn’t in my bag of tricks.”

I take in a long breath, letting it out slowly. Getting mad at Max won’t fix the problem. “Do you have a car?”

He pulls keys out of his pocket, holds them in the air and shakes them. I snatch my purse off the counter and start for the front door. Sensing he’s not moving, I twist in place, trying not to explode.

“Why aren’t you coming?” I whine, sinking my hands to my sides. “Max, tonight is an enormous opportunity for me. Please give me a ride.” My voice loses its steam. “We can have a heart to heart after the show, just not now. I need to go.”

His eyes study me for a few moments. “Okay. But we’re talking later.”

“Can’t wait,” I quip, rolling my eyes.

Chapter Two


It’s what they want.

The list of songs in my hand isn’t different. They’re my normal songs, but they’re leaving a sour taste in my mouth. It’s Max. Being here is making me self-conscious. Demanding he leave was pointless. I’m delusional if I think he would listen to me. I’ve already spotted him speaking to security. Twice.

“Earth to Sky.” I glance up at the sound of his irritated voice. Graham, with his snappy fingers, furrows his brows when our eyes meet. “What’s up, babe? You’ve been acting strange since you got here. Now you’re studying that list like it’s the first time you’ve ever seen it.”

The list crumples against my leg when I drop my hand. I need to pull my shit together. Graham has been my only true friend this past year, held me together when my life was ripping apart at the seams and helped sew me back together. Even though the seam was jagged, it was attached. A year ago, I didn’t think I’d ever be able to trust someone enough to form a friendship. I couldn’t give anymore. The burn at the end was too painful. People throwing me away so easy sent me down a spiral vortex, ending at the bottom of a black hole. I used to wear my heart on the outside, now I guard it with my life.

Graham weaseled his way in, using my voice. It terrified me I was letting him in because of my dependency on men until my therapist reminded me it was the intimacy I craved from men… and Graham definitely didn’t fill that craving. Determined to repay him, I’ll make sure tonight is great.

“Nothing’s wrong, G. I’m just nervous about tonight.” His body relaxes, lips curl up when I give him a reassuring nod. It’s not a total lie. I close the gap between us and reach for his hand. “We got this. You just make sure Jude’s not preoccupied when I’m performing.”

“That I can do,” he says, flashing a mischievous grin. I shake my head at him. He’s always had a secret crush on Jude.

I point at him. “You better not do anything to run him out of here before I even start.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He feigns innocence as he wraps his arm through mine and walks up with me on the stage. “You have soundcheck in five.”

“Behave,” I reply, giving him the side-eye.

“Got it. Now, go shine like you were meant to.” He leans down and kisses me on the cheek.

He hops off the stage and when I peek out at what I expect to be an empty bar, a set of steel-blue eyes freeze me in my spot. Their coldness sends a shiver up my back. Max stares at me, his jaw tics and it’s obvious he isn’t happy about something. Shaking my head, I snap out of the trance he put me in and stomp down the stairs in his direction.

“You can’t stay here if you keep staring at me like you want to kill me all night,” I snap, hitting him on the chest. I’m used to his broodiness. But this is different. He glances behind me and then back to me. Peering over my shoulder to catch who his attention went to, I only notice Graham going over tonight’s line-up. You have got to be kidding me. I don’t have time for this. I whip back around. “I’m not even goin’ there with you, Max. My life here isn’t any of your business.”

Back in New York, I was used to his jealous glances. I saw them. Except it was his choice that we were nothing but a one-night stand. He made that crystal clear when Damon, his best friend, wanted to ask me out and got his approval. I’m not one to chase the disinterested. And Damon… was interested.

His jaw relaxes and his eyes cast down. He plays with the label on his beer. “Sorry. I just…” He pauses and shakes whatever his thoughts are out of his head. “… I’m glad you’re doing something you love.” I swallow the sour taste. The melody that comes out of my mouth is anything but love, but it’s become a necessary evil to live. “If you want me to leave, I will.”

Why is it now that he’s offering me an out, I want him to stay? I blow out my cheeks. “Stay. Just don’t give me the evil eye all night.”

“Sky, you’re on,” the stage manager calls from behind me. Max winks at me and raises his glass.

I walk toward the stage and hear him murmur, “Go break a leg, or whatever they say.”

“How about just good luck?” I call out over my shoulder.

“I’ve heard you sing, you don’t require any luck.”

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