Page 27 of Twisted Wings

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Graham slaps his hands together from behind me, the sound echoing in the silent room, making me jump. I glance up from my phone and spot him and Zoe, my makeup artist, in the mirror. “Well, isn’t this lovely?” He walks up next to me and does a quick scan around the room. “Large and comes with its own gorgeous sweaty man aroma.” I pull in a deep whiff and shake my head, not smelling anything. Thank god for small miracles.

“Sky, ready to get this party started?” Zoe says, laying out all her brushes.

I snap my fingers, swaying from side to side as I belt out the song “Get the Party Started” by Pink until Graham covers my mouth with his hand. “Save your voice for the stage.”

I scowl at him, pushing his hand away and sing the intro to “Shut Up” by The Black Eyed Peas.

Zoe laughs under her breath. “Don’t encourage her,” Graham sighs. I could do this all night. My phone dings in my lap, halting the song next in my mental playlist to piss off Graham.

I gasp at the image.

“Well, hello,” Zoe purrs over my shoulder.

Graham looks down. “Oh my. I just had a heart palpitation.”

I slowly nod, licking my lips as I stare at the picture of Max in nothing but a white towel hanging dangerously low on his hips. My eyes roam over his hard muscular body to his fingers holding up the towel. The slight upward curve of his mouth, flashing a sexy smirk, sends butterflies fluttering in my lower belly. Places tingle to life that haven’t in months.

“Dayuum,” Graham mumbles in my ear, holding his hand to his chest. My thoughts exactly.

“You know him? That’s not just a picture of some model?”

Graham snickers. “She knows him. Very well. You’re a stupid, stupid girl.”

I slap him on the chest, finally able to pry my eyes away. “Be quiet.”

Despite my head reminding me why it’s a bad idea, my body is revolting, remembering how that body heats me up, those fingers had me on fire and that mouth destroyed me. Two and a half years, you’d think I would’ve forgotten, but the buzzing going on down south, it feels like last week.

I cross my legs, trying to ease the ache building and fan my face. My phone buzzes again and I glance down to see it’s another text from Max. I hold the phone to my chest and both Graham and Zoe whine.

“Y’all, what if he’s…” My words trail off.

He’s sending these texts to me, not knowing I have an audience. And I don’t want them to see him naked. I’m not gonna lie though, I kind of do. It’s been too long since I’ve been with a man. It’s not like I don’t fantasize about Max already. This will be a refresher.

“Exactly,” they both say together, loudly.

I shake my head at both of them, sliding off the chair leaving the grumbling behind me. When the coast is clear, I open the text.

Hulk: One second from being naked. Ask me again.

I swallow back the desire burning inside my throat. My fingers hover over the keyboard itching to type yes, please. I peek at his picture again. Nope, this is enough for my sexual desire to blow up. Seeing him naked, on display for me, will only bring regrets.

Me: So, you’re assuming I think you’re hot?

Hulk: lol. Touche

Hulk: Thanks for killing my ego.

Me: As if that was possible…

Knowing no one will see naked Max, I return to my chair. The horny duo is at my side instantly. “Sorry guys. No dick pics.”

After makeup, Graham walks out with me to the meet and greet. Preston joins us right before we step outside. Cheers erupt, hundreds of fans scream our names. Goosebumps pebbled my skin. This never gets old. I wave my hands as we make our way to the table set up for us. A young girl, standing on the metal railing, has my face planted on her shirt and when we make eye contact, her emotions get the best of her and her eyes water. She reminds me of myself at that age when I went to my first concert, N’SYNC. I glide over and give her a hug.

“O-o-o-oh my god,” she cries. “I love you, Sky.”

“What’s your name?”

“Isabelle,” she says, her voice reaching a high octave. It’s a good thing because it’s hard to hear over all the screams.

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