Page 53 of Blinding Echo

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I glance at a shocked set of eyes. “Did she say no?” Tori nods. “I fucked up.” My body deflates. I didn't plan to be down there that long. We must have drifted farther than I expected. I couldn’t locate the damn thing and when I got onboard, she was already jumping in. It was selfish to be excited she loved me enough to jump into the water, I didn’t think how it would affect her emotionally.

“Maybe she needs a second to process everything.”

I should’ve waited. Should have let her calm down instead of jumping right into proposing. I figured she was okay, she was making jokes. How was I supposed to know she was still upset? Or maybe she wasn’t, and she doesn’t want to marry me. I start second guessing everything. It’s too soon. She doesn’t love me. Self doubt is like the devil pissing on me. The evil thoughts burn.

“Should I go after her?”

She grimaces. “I don’t know. She was really upset with you.” Her eyes drift behind me for a quick second and her lips twitch up. I spin around, knowing Ellie is there.

She runs at me, flying into my arms with a smile beaming on her beautiful face. Her legs wrap around me and she says, “Yes, I’ll marry you,” then slams her lips to mine. I’m slow to react because I’m so confused. I break the kiss, pulling back and make sure I’m not dreaming.

“Are you serious?”

She nods quickly. “Yes.”

“But you said no.”

“That was payback. Thinking you died is not a joke.”

Neither is telling me no when I ask you to marry me.

Instead, I keep my mouth shut. I deserved it. The moment of clarity hits me. She said yes.

She’s mine, again.

Forever this time.

Chapter Twenty-Six


I stare at the diamond on my ring finger, a little sad Kase hasn’t met my dad. When I was talking with my dad earlier, I failed to mention the engagement. He’d drop everything and come here once he knows so I need to talk to Kase first. I don’t regret saying yes; I regret the secrets I’m keeping. The weight from them, increasing tenfold since Friday. It was easy to forget my past when I was with Kase, but this ring changes everything. Tonight, I’m telling him. I can’t move forward after promising to spend the rest of my life with him until he knows the truth.

The oven beeps, reaching the temperature I set. I need to get moving if dinner is going to be ready by the time Kase gets home. After sliding the chicken into the oven, I pull out plates and silverware, setting the table. I smile, giddy that I’m surprising him. He’s not the only one who can surprise someone. Cody let me in earlier. There might've been a few threats on his life if he said anything.

At the sound of my phone in my back pocket, I pull it out, biting my lip when I see who it is.

Cowboy: What’s my beautiful fiancée doing?

Sneaking around your apartment. I giggle to myself.

Me: Thinking about you.

Cowboy: Are you naked? Are we sexting? I’m sure Stone won’t mind if I jack off.

My mouth falls open and I shake my head at the picture he painted.

Me: Kase! No.

Cowboy: Which part? I asked more than one question. :)

Me: All of them! Just keep your dick in your pants.

Cowboy: For now :(

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