Page 3 of Blinding Echo

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“I can’t believe he’s leaving,” Stacy says, leaning on my shoulder. I nod and sigh. Me too.

And without me.

This wasn’t the plan. I always thought we’d leave this town together and never look back. I don’t hate it here like Kase, but there's so much more out in the world, but I can’t leave here on my own. I’m not strong enough to leave my parents without him by my side. Being their only child, and as much as Kase has tried to make me gain independence, I’m terrified of being on my own.

Going to the doctor and getting on the pill was the first thing I’ve ever done by myself. I wanted to surprise him before he left. A part of me wanted him to see I’m trying to be independent. He says he loves me, but what happens when he gets out in the world and the options for women are endless? I’ll be stuck here in good ole Barrow, Texas.

I remember the day he told me he wanted to be a Navy SEAL. I cried for days. He swore he was doing it for us. For our future. He hated school, even though it came easy to him, so the last thing he wanted to do when he graduated high school was go to college. He was using it as a way to leave this town. I had our life planned and him leaving for the military was not in the plan. Now, I’ll be going to the community college by myself.

“Hey, beautiful. You from around here?” Kase jumps into the back of the truck, strolling over.

The last year, he’s been working out every day, getting ready for the SEAL physical test. He was hot before, but now he’s hot with muscles and I can’t keep my hands off him.

“Nope, just visiting friends,” I say, leaning back on my hands, acting disinterested.

Stacy giggles and hops off the cab. “You two are so freakin’ cute,” she mutters as she walks away.

“Guy friends?” he murmurs, uncrossing my legs so he can squeeze between them.

“Nope. Just a fun weekend with the girls before I leave for college.” I try to keep my tone aloof, but it’s hard when he’s touching me.

His fingers trail up my bare thighs, stopping right at the hem of my denim skirt. I swallow as goosebumps pebble my legs. Thoughts of us making love just a couple of hours ago, warm my insides.

“How much fun you wanting to have?” he asks in a suggestive tone, wagging his brows.

I laugh, sitting up. “I had that type of fun earlier. Now, I want to dance.”

He yanks me forward, my skirt bunching up my thighs. “Lucky guy.”

“He better always remember how lucky he is,” I say, flashing a sly smile.

“I have a feeling he’ll never forget.” His lips slam against mine in a heated kiss. He kisses me until we’re both gasping for air. “I love you,” he whispers.

“From my nose to my toes,” I reply. He belts out a laugh. The first time he told me he loved me, when we were thirteen, that’s what he said.

“I love you from your nose to your toes.”

It’s been a joke between us because I was so upset his love stopped at my nose. He picks me up, setting me on my feet. “C’mon Evie, let me show you my dance moves.” I playfully growl at the nickname. He knows I hate being called Evie, but I let it slide with him.

“Oh, I can’t wait to see this. Maybe this time, you’ll show me more than just the sprinkler,” I joke. He slaps me on the butt as he pushes me to the middle of the circle where everyone is dancing.

“Just for that,” he says, pointing to me with a devilish grin. “I’m doing this all night long.”

The guys around join in. And there it is, folks.

The sprinkler.

* * *

“Don’t forget about me,” I hiccup through my tears. He cups my jaw, catching my tears with his thumb. People rush around us getting in the security line. My eyes are everywhere except on his. I can’t look at him without going into hysterics.

“Everly, eyes on me,” he softly demands. I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head. “Please, baby.” I open them, biting my quivering lip. His eyes glisten with tears. “Someone would have to rip my heart out to make me forget about you. And since boot camp isn’t that bad, it’s safe to say, that won't happen.” I nod. “I love you, Everly Cole.”

“I love you, Kase Nixon.”

After a long kiss, he ends it with a kiss on my nose. “Don’t you forget about me.”

I huff and roll my eyes. “As if that would ever happen.”

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