Page 10 of Blinding Echo

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“Come on, let’s go see your new apartment.”

When we reach the elevator, I glance around for the staircase. “What floor?” She doesn’t question why I prefer the stairs, she justmeets me up there.

Pepper points out the amenities in the building before entering the apartment. When we walk into the living room, she continues rambling with her sales pitch. I’m sold when I admire the view. Across the street, white sand meets ocean blue.

“It looks perfect. I’ll take it.”

“You haven’t even looked around.” She stares blankly at me. I spin around a hundred and eighty degrees. I spot the kitchen, a bedroom, and the eating area. Done. When I glance back at her, she's shaking her head.

“What? You told me to take alook around. I did. It has everything I need. I’m assuming it has a bathroom, but I guess I should confirm that before I take it.”

“You’re such a man.”

“Thanks for noticing.” I flex my biceps knowing she’s not a fan. Her laugh echoes in the space. I don't care for the hardwood, but I can put rugs around. “It’s perfect.”

“How can you say it’s” —she pauses for a beat— “never mind. Let’s go sign your lease and you can schedule a time for someone to deliver your stuff.”


“Furniture?” She gives me a quizzical gaze.

I yank on my shirt. Traveling light makes it easy to relocate. “All I have are my clothes.”

“Men are basic beings, but this takes it to a new level.”

We are basic. We need food, a place to live, and a woman. Not necessarily in that order. It's been ten years since I've had somewhere to call home. I’m happy just to have air conditioning.

"If I plopped a sleeping bag down right here, it’d be a hundred times more comfortable than where I’ve been living."

Understanding spreads across her face. “I forgot that you justgot out of the military. Do you need to go furniture shopping?” I smile and nod. Her heels click across the wood floor to the kitchen bar where her purse is. She digs in her bottomless bag and pulls out a phone.

"Need help shopping?" she asks, glancing up from her phone. "I've found a couple of furniture stores not too far from here."

“That'd be great.”

Her eyes light up like I offered her chocolate. Shit, I'd offer her all the chocolate she wanted if she'd go for me.

What feels like days later, we emerge from the furniture store. Throw me in the middle of hungry sharks and I'd enjoy it more than what we justwent through.

Pepper is bouncing on her toes with a beaming smile. “I can’t believe the great deals you got. Oh my gosh, I’ve always wanted to do that. Go on a shopping spree and buy everything new.” She wraps her arm through mine and I smile at her over-enthusiastic excitement from furniture shopping.

“If only I was your type.”

“Ha! If I knew you'd be my sugar daddy I might change my mind.” She bats her eyes at me a couple of times and then burst out laughing. “Totally kidding. I’m not that superficial.” It never crossed my mind she was.

“Let’s get something to eat. I’m starving.” I glance at my watch. Damn, we were in that store for three hours. Three hours I’ll never get back.

“There’s a burger place around the corner,” she says, pointing ahead.

The suspicion of someone watching me tugs at my senses. I survey the area. There are a few people on the sidewalks but nothing alarming. When I turn to look behind me, my body freezes. Pepper jerks to a stop from holding my arm. Her words barely register, I'm paralyzed as I zone in on one person.


Her smile breaks my trance. She’s at least fifty yards away. I take a step toward the woman I’m almost positive is Everly, but Pepper stops me. “Are you okay?” she asks at my side. I glance over at her, not sure what to say. The only girl I ever loved, who forgot about me, is standing right there. I think. Turning my attention back, I groan out of frustration. She's walking away, winding around a corner.

A familiar ache shudders in my stomach and I take off in a sprint. Every beat of my heart tells me to go faster. As I turn the same corner she was at, I find an empty road. I bend over, grip my knees as I catch my breath. What am I doing? It wasn’t her. My mind hasn’t played that trick on me in years. I used to see her face on every dark haired, green, blue, gray-eyed woman. Hope never died that she’d remember me and come search for me. She never did. Did she finally regain her memories after ten years? Clicking heels come from behind and a hand lays across my back.

“What’s going on Kase?”

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