Page 8 of Fate Loves

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The incredulous look he gives me stops me. “You don’t think I took care of that already?”

“I just needed to make sure.”

“Okay, you made sure. Now, go.” He grabs my hand and leads me to my bedroom. Whatever he has planned, he’s excited. I’ll take it over how he’s been acting. I grab a bag and throw in an outfit for tomorrow, a swimsuit, and a pair of panties with a matching bra. I giggle to myself, thinking about the last time he told me to pack an overnight bag. I’d debated if I should bring pajamas. I definitely didn’t need them. That seems like ages ago. The first time he took me to his beach house. The first time I told him I loved him. There were some other firsts, but I am not thinking about those.

I find a small makeup bag and put some toiletries in it then zip it up, tossing it into the big bag. Excitement bubbles inside me because we’re getting away. We need this break. I wonder if he plans on still being stubborn about doing the right thing. It’s been over a month since we’ve been together, and I’m not sure I can stop myself if we’re sleeping in the same bed.

“Let’s go, woman. Get your sexy ass out here now.” Damn, he’s in a hurry. I thought I was making good time. I grab my bag and walk into the living room.

“Alright. I’m ready.”

He’s at my side instantly, taking my bag out of my hands. “I just need to get out of here,” he murmurs. The helplessness in his voice pulls at my heart. “I need to reset. And I need you there with me.” I slightly nod. I get it. Waiting for one moment in time to happen that will change your life forever is consuming. When your vision gets so clouded you can’t see straight, you need take a step back and refocus.

This is us. Refocusing.

We listen to music in the car rather than talk. I figured we were going to the beach house, but when we drive in the opposite direction on Interstate 78, it’s obvious we’re not. I open my mouth numerous times to ask where we’re going, but then stop myself. Let him feel in control, I remind myself.

Aiden’s deep voice fills the air sporadically as he sings along with the radio. I turn my head and watch him. His size dominates the small area of the car. I watch as he taps his thumb to the rhythm on the steering wheel. My gaze follows his muscular arms to his taut chest, which is hidden by a worn-out, heather gray T-shirt. FBI is printed across it in black letters, and I’ll bet he’s had that shirt since Quantico. It looks that old. I wonder if he’d give it to me?

“I like when you look at me like that.” Aiden’s voice interrupts my shirt envy. I look up at him. He’s watching the road, but a sly smile creeps across his face, deepening his dimple.

“Actually, I was just thinking I want your shirt.” I grin.

He cocks his head my direction. “Is that what you were thinking?”

“It was,” I reply innocently. “You’re the one who always has the dirty thoughts.” I pull my leg up under my knee and look forward. Tall trees wrap the sides of the highway, and the setting sun peeks through for the last time tonight.

“Sweetheart, if you only knew.” He chuckles. “This is my favorite shirt.”

“I can tell.”

“It’ll be my new favorite shirt on you if you wear it and nothing else all day tomorrow.” His tone is flirtatious. Heat streaks up my body at the thought of him wanting me naked. My inner goddess jumps up and down, screaming that her god is coming home. Finally.

I roll my head to the side, looking at him. “You want me to walk around naked all day with only that shirt on?” I ask coyly.

“Well, technically, you wouldn’t be naked.” He flashes a wicked smile.

“And what would we do all day, while I’m not technically naked and you’re not technically going to touch me?” Please, tell me you’ll fuck me seven ways till Sunday. Forget your stupid rule. I reach over and run my index finger down the outline of his obvious bulge.

His body tenses and a low growl erupts from the back of his throat. He takes off his sunglasses and slides them onto the dashboard. When he glances over at me, the heat in his eyes sends flurries of burning need into the pit of my stomach. His hand covers mine, and he pushes it down harder on his cock. It’s straining against his jeans, begging to come out. I wet my lips and swallow, my mouth dry from my heavy breaths. I slide my hand out from under his and unbutton his pants. He hisses as I pull the zipper down and free his hard erection. A soft mewl escapes my lips when I see he doesn’t have any underwear on. The sexual tension sucks up all the air in the car, and I feel like I’m drowning. Right now, breathing is the last thing on my mind.

I run my hand down the length of him, and he gasps. “Fuck, Addison,” he growls. “You’re going to finish what you started. Put your fucking gorgeous mouth on me.” His demanding voice lights a fire inside me. I’ve missed it more than I care to admit. I watch him pull off an exit on the freeway.

I unbuckle my seat belt and lean over his armrest. His hand weaves through my hair. I lick the tip of his cock before I open wide and slide down his shaft. Darkness flows into the car and only the dashboard lights illuminate our bodies.

“Jesus, I’ve missed that mouth of yours.” He slams the car in park, and I’m transported to the first time we did this. His grip tightens around my hair, jerking me back to the present, and I suck harder. His groans spur me on as I work my way up and down. I can feel dampness in between my legs.

It doesn’t take long before he’s grunting my name, and I can feel his warmth slide down my throat. While he recovers, I lie in his lap, looking up into darkened eyes filled with need. His finger traces my swollen lips.

“We’re almost there, so I need you to get in your seat and buckle up because we’re not going slow. I need to taste you like I need air right now, but I’m not doing it here. I want to take my time with you. Fuck not touching you.” Thank God. My body shudders as his hand moves over my breast, down my torso to my groin. He cups my sex, and I arch my back off the seat, moaning from the feel of his fingers digging into me through my shorts.

“I don’t think I can wait,” I pant. My pent-up desire is so painful, the second he touches me I know I’ll explode. I sound like a sex addict right now, craving my next fix that I’d do anything to get it.

After muttering a few curse words, he pushes me up back in my seat and tucks his already hard cock back into his pants. He leans over and kisses me hard then slams the car into drive. As the tires squeal, I grab the handle to hold on, trying to grab traction from his acceleration.

He was right, we were only fifteen minutes away. When we pull into the parking lot of a resort lodge, I look over at him. “You could have told me we were almost here.”

“Sweetheart, I have no willpower when it comes to you and that mouth. I will stop whatever the hell I’m doing if you’re offering. Always.” I want to respond “not always,” but then again, I didn’t offer him a blow job two weeks ago.

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