Page 6 of Fate Loves

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Aiden reaches over and squeezes Mack’s shoulder. “And you wonder how you keep getting yourself in situations,” Aiden chuckles.

He shrugs. “What can I say? I’m a sucker for beautiful women.”

He’s a billionaire man-whore. I bite my cheek so words don’t fly out of my mouth. I shouldn’t be surprised. He’s been married five times—at least, at the time of my report it was five. But seeing it first-hand is eye-opening.

“I’m in town for a couple days. I’ll call you tomorrow. Stay up here as long as you’d like,” he says, walking away. He turns toward us. “Addison, it was a pleasure to meet you.” He smiles wide, and I return the smile.

“You too, Mr. Livingston.” I think.

“Mack, please, call me Mack.” I nod and he winks before turning back around.

After he’s out of sight, Aiden turns to face me and grabs a piece of hair between his fingers and tugs. “I guess you know who he is?”

“Well, right now ‘sugar daddy’ comes to mind,” I say with sarcasm. Aiden drops his head and laughs. “Outside of that, yes. How long have you known him?”

Aiden looks up, calculating in his head. “I guess a little over five years. Since I’ve lived here.”

“You guys seem close?”

Aiden nods. “I guess so. He’s a great guy. We catch up whenever he’s in town, which isn’t often. We usually have a beer or dinner. He leads an interesting life.”

“I know. I did a report on him in high school. He’s a hot topic in Texas. I obviously didn’t read about how much of a man-whore he is, though,” I murmur. Aiden stifles his laugh.

“You’d be surprised about what you didn’t read about.”

I hold my hand up, shaking my head. “I don’t want to know. I have great respect for the guy…which may be slightly tainted right now. He’s accomplished a lot, including all the charitable things he’s done. Don’t ruin that for me.” I smirk.

He grabs my hand that’s still in the air and steps forward into me. “Where were we?” he murmurs as he kisses the curve of my neck. My eyes flutter closed and my breath catches as the heat of his kisses sends tingles down my back. It takes me a second to focus on where we were. Damn him.

I take a step back out of his grasp, and he arches a brow. “You were apologizing that we can’t be together, so stop making me want you,” I say dryly. He grins.

“Will you sit up here with me for a little longer?” He reaches forward for my hand again.

“Of course.” We walk back to the couch and sit like we were before. “How is it that we’re engaged and you’ve never mentioned Mack, yet he knows about me and Lexi?”

He looks away briefly, scrubs his hand over his jaw, and then looks back to me. “I’m pretty sure I’ve told you before that we’ve gone to dinner.” I tilt my head as I run through my memory. I know he has mentioned going to dinner with a friend here and there. “I probably never said Mack Livingston, probably just Mack. He’s only in town once a quarter, so we don’t get together often,” he explains. “He’s been in town the last two weeks for a business acquisition, so I’ve seen him more than normal—seeing as I’ve been home more than normal.”

We talk a little more about Mack but then sit back and listen to the city. Horns from taxis blare below us and music from a neighboring rooftop bar adds a melody to the sound. Two spotlights in the distance sweep across the night sky. The nights here have a language all of their own. I lean my head down on Aiden’s shoulder.

“Do you like it here?” Aiden asks.

“Here, as in New York City?”

“No, this area.” I lift my head and look at him.

“I love this area,” I answer. He nods his head. “Why?”

“I’m just thinking about where we’ll live when we get married.”

“This area is great, but your apartment is only one bedroom.” I scrunch my nose. “But I might be tempted to make it work with access to a terrace like this.”

“Good to know,” he chuckles.

“I guess I just figured because of space, you’d move into my apartment.”

“That’s an option,” he says looking down at me. “Or we can find a place close to here.”

I nod in agreement. “Aiden, I will go anywhere as long as we’re together.”

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