Page 15 of Fate Loves

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After lunch, our plan goes off without a hitch. Max distracted Jessie for a few minutes by showing her pictures he took of Presley when she was in the nursery. I was caught off guard, too busy staring into the eyes of Presley. She’s beautiful. Her head fits into my entire hand. When my brain finally caught up to what he was doing, I took the swab without anyone noticing.

Now, we wait.

Chapter five

Don’t get mad, I tell myself over and over. But this sucks. A few minutes ago, Aiden’s phone dinged with a text. He’s in the shower so I just glanced at it to make sure it wasn’t important. The picture caught my attention so I opened it. This is what you get for being nosey!

It was from Jessie. A picture of Aiden holding Presley, and she captioned it with “she misses her daddy.” Spear through my heart. I hate that woman, but I can’t look away from the picture. My eyes start to mist. Looking at this huge man, my man, holding a beautiful, tiny baby that isn’t mine is heart wrenching. And the worst part, she looks like a child we would’ve had together. I’m staring at the picture when Aiden walks in, towel around his waist.

“What’s wrong?” Aiden asks.

I take in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Jessie texted you a picture,” I say, holding out his phone for him to take. When he reaches to take it from my hand, his hand extends to my wrist and he pulls me to him. He takes the phone with the other hand and throws it on the bed without looking at it. I guess he doesn’t need to look at it since he was there.

My arms wrap around his taut chest. Water still drips down his muscular back. I dig my fingers into his back as he draws me so close there isn’t an ounce of space between us.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for all of this,” he says, letting out a soft sigh.

A flood of emotions bubble up inside of me. My eyes fill with tears I can’t control. He holds me tighter. “Before she was here, I felt like I could handle it. It wasn’t real yet.” My throat clogs with emotion. “But now…seeing her in your arms…I’m so jealous, and I don’t know how to stop feeling this way,” I say, anger taking hold. “And to top it off, she doesn’t look like either of you! She looks like me! How ironic is that?” I feel his chest shake, and I pull away to see his face. “Why are you laughing? It’s not funny.”

“I thought the same thing.” One corner of Aiden’s mouth twitches. “I don’t expect you to be okay with this.” His expression turns serious. He pushes my hair behind one ear, cupping my neck as his thumb caresses my cheek. “Did I look at Presley in amazement and wonder? Yes. But the whole time I was thinking I can’t wait to have this with you. She’s not mine. I know deep down, she’s not.”

Aiden’s hands glide down my body, and he lifts me up. I wrap my legs around him, loosening his towel and it falls to the ground. He backs us up and lays me on the bed. My mind takes a pivot as heat rushes down to my core, feeling his arousal between us.

“You mean everything to me and nothing will get in the way of us,” he says, slowly unbuttoning my shirt. His lips follow his hands, and he places tender kisses on my bare skin as my shirt is opened. He keeps going down to my pants, undoing them and pulling them off, kissing his way back up. A text dings on his phone, but he ignores it. Then it rings. I look down at him, and he flashes a salacious smile. “Nothing. Will. Get. In. The. Way,” he says, stopping and kissing me between each word. Goose bumps spread across my body.

He drags his fingers up my thighs, and I shiver from his touch. He kneels on the bed, positioning himself between my legs. He leans over, taking my breast in his mouth, lapping it with his tongue and sucking. I arch my back and moan. I can feel his heavy cock at my entrance. I wrap my legs around his waist and move my hips against him.

He leaves a trail of kisses up my chest, moving to my neck. I lift my chin, giving him easier access. His intoxicating touch always leaves me craving more. He nips my earlobe and groans. My fingers score his back as I try to position my hips so he can slide inside of me.

“You don’t have to ask…” he rasps into my ear. “Just take.” He thrusts his cock inside of me. I cry out, and my eyes roll back at the overwhelming sensation of pleasure bordering on pain. He sits back on his knees, his fingers grip my hips. His eyes rake over my body and the hunger in them makes my nerves tingle from head to toe. Little electrical sparks explode on my skin, making me writhe underneath him. I place my feet down on the sides of his legs and grind my hips, begging him to move. He lets out a guttural moan, driving in and out of me. His arms are flexed, his stomach muscles tight as he takes control. My breaths quicken and my cries increase. He reaches down in between us. His thumb circles my throbbing clit. My back lifts off the bed, and I scream out his name as my orgasm rips through me. He picks up his pace, pounding inside of me.

“Fuck!” he roars, falling on top of me. His whole body convulses. I can feel his chest heaving while he comes down from his climax. He stays quiet longer than I expect him to. His nose nuzzles my neck.

“You okay?” I whisper. I feel him shake his head.

“You don’t ever have to ask me if I’m okay when I’m inside of you.” He pulls in a deep inhale and lifts his head to let it out. Pushing up on his elbows so he’s inches from my face, he flashes a half-grin and pushes his hips into me. I moan softly. “Because when I’m inside of you, everything is fucking perfect.”

Unfortunately, perfect can’t stay perfect forever. Life doesn’t stop, but it’s the moments of perfection that can get us through anything. The key is to remember them and not let obstacles stand in the way of finding our way back to each other.

After Aiden cleans us both up, he slips on his jeans and winks at me. He pulls out his phone from his front pocket. “It was Max,” he says, looking at his phone. He puts it up to his ear and listens to a message. I watch his expression for any clues, but he gives nothing away.

“What’d he say?” I ask after he listens to the voicemail.

“He wants both of us to meet him at his hotel room.” He picks up his wallet off the bedside table and sticks it in his back pocket. “He got the results.”

“And he didn’t tell you?”

“Max doesn’t leave information on voicemails.” I roll my eyes as I stand up.

“Mr. Spy Man could’ve just said yes or no. Nobody would’ve known what he was talking about.”

Aiden cracks a smile and slaps my ass. “Get dressed. Something’s up because he sounded serious.” My body freezes. What if she is his? I’ll have to deal with Jessie my entire life. This is the first time I’ve had this feeling that maybe she is his. “Addison, don’t.”

“But what if—”

“We’re not speculating anything. We’ll deal with actuals. And if you get your ass moving a little faster, we’ll find everything out quicker.” He stares at me with a lifted brow.

“Okay! I’m moving.”

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