Page 51 of Fate Heals

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After dinner, Aiden suggests watching a movie, so I grab some pillows and a blanket while he sets it up. Glancing out his bedroom window, I remember his car being out front.

“Aiden,” I say, walking out of the bedroom, “what is your car doing out front?” A mischievous smile crosses his face. I tilt my head and raise my eyebrows. “What are you up to?”

He laughs. “You’re too observant.”

I shake my head. “Um, you do know what I do for a living, right?” I giggle, laying the pillows and blankets on the couch.

“Well … since you’re off for the next few days, and tomorrow is the weekend, I thought we’d do something.”

“Something …?” I narrow my eyes.

“Will I ever be able to surprise you?”

“More than likely not,” I say, wrinkling my nose.

“Fine. Have it your way, spoil sport.” He laughs, poking me in the nose. “We’re leaving in the morning. You, Sydney, Damon, and I are all going skydiving.”

I squeal and jump into his arms, not even caring that I spoiled the surprise. He falls back on the couch with me straddling him. Not being able to contain my giddiness, I wiggle my ass in excitement, grabbing Aiden’s face with my hands.

“You are amazing,” I squeal.

Aiden’s hands grip my hips. “Sweetheart, you really need to stop that.”

I wasn’t even aware I was doing anything, but now that I am, the feel of his arousal against me causes a myriad of feelings. I gasp as heat streaks up my body at the same time my brain takes me to a place I don’t want to go.

I’m not ready.

“Sorry,” I say, jumping off of him. He grabs me and pulls me back to his side.

“That is not something to be sorry about. Ever,” he says, smirking. He leans over slowly and his lips are a whisper away from mine. My pulse increases as he remains there. Waiting for me.

The rise and fall of my chest intensifies as I close my eyes. “Open your eyes, sweetheart.” Aiden whispers. The warmth of his breath has my body shivering. I pry my eyes open. “It’s just me. The man who loves you more than anything in this world.” My eyes start to water at the depth of his words. “We won’t do anything you’re not ready for, but I want to feel your lips on mine. Meet me halfway,” he pleads, still whispering.

A lone tear falls down my face. He catches it with a kiss as soft as a feather, making my breath catch, but then returns to hovering over my lips. My resolve weakens as I lean in, our lips fusing together. I can feel Aiden’s breath hitch when I lean my body into his. The kiss is sweet and soft.

Aiden pulls back, cups my neck with his hand, and brushes his thumb across my bottom lip. He inhales sharply and brings his forehead to mine. We stay like that for a few moments before he places a kiss on my forehead and then stands up.

“I need another beer. Need more wine?” he asks quickly and heads to the kitchen. I turn to look over the couch and watch him. He adjusts himself, whispering something. I chuckle because I swear I hear him say Katie’s name.

“How was Syd’s reaction when you told her?” I ask while arranging the pillows and spreading out the blanket.

“Much like yours,” he says, shrugging, walking back to the couch.

“Well, if she jumped in your arms, too, you better not have had the same reaction you did with me.” I smirk. He sits down, handing me my wine.

“I didn’t tell her, Damon did. And I can promise you that if she did jump into his arms, I’m almost certain he’d have the same reaction.” He grabs the remote and looks over at me. “But I love that you’re jealous.” He winks and flashes his megawatt smile. I stick my tongue out and lean back into my pillow.

“Why in the world did you set up our pillows so far apart from each other?” He pouts, leaning back into his own pillow. He stares at me, waiting for an answer.

Placing my glass on the table, I shrug. “I just thought—”

He grabs both my legs and yanks me over to him. I yelp. Lying flat on my back, I look up to Aiden’s gorgeous face. One that I will never get tired of looking at.

“Well, you thought wrong,” he says, pulling me up against his chest. “I need you beside me.” He kisses my nose and then turns me around, leaning my body against him. I feel like a ragdoll being tossed around. He exhales. “That’s much better.”

“I don’t know what just happened, but you could’ve just asked me to sit next you,” I say, playfully elbowing him in the stomach.

“What fun would that have been?” he says, tickling me.

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